ASBAREZ Online [01-10-2005]


1) Armenian & Greek Leaders Discuss EU Issues with Congressman Robert Andrews
during California Visit
2) OSCE Minsk Co-chair Calls for Azeri Concession
3) Another Assault by a Yesihva Student on an Armenian Priest
4) Prelate’s New Year and Christmas Dinner Complete Success

1) Armenian & Greek Leaders Discuss EU Issues with Congressman Robert Andrews
during California Visit

GLENDALE–Members of the Board of Directors of the Armenian National Committee
of America-Western Region (ANCA-WR), along with members of the Board of
Directors of the American Hellenic Council (AHC), met with Congressman Robert
Andrews (D-NJ) at the ANCA-WR headquarters in Glendale, California during the
Congressman’s visit to Southern California on December 27. Representatives of
the ANCA-WR and the AHC voiced their concerns about the Republic of Turkey’s
attempts to join the European Union among other issues related to American
foreign policy in regard to Armenia, Greece, and Cyprus.
ANCA-WR Executive Director Ardashes Kassakhian thanked the Congressman for
support of the Greek and Armenian communities. Explaining that the Greek and
Armenian communities were very concerned with the United States’ active
role in
advancing Turkey’s ambitions for EU membership, Kassakhian pointed out that
Turkey has to conform to and adopt the basic standards of human rights by
the EU nations and the US abide. In addition to emphasizing Turkey’s overall
abysmal record on human rights, Kassakhian told Congressman Andrews of the
importance of including recognition of the Armenian genocide as a precondition
to Turkey’s entry into the EU.
AHC President Dinos Andrianos expressed the Greek American community’s
concerns regarding the tacit US support of the controversial Annan Plan for
Cyprus which favors Turkey’s position. The plan proposed by UN Secretary
General Kofi Annan would require that the Turkish occupying force vacate most
of northern Cyprus, but allow Turkey to retain control of key areas on the
island nation. Cypriots have overwhelmingly rejected the Annan Plan as have
Armenian Cypriots.
Congressman Andrews urged the ANC and AHC to continue their bipartisan
outreach to members of Congress, adding that the public awareness campaign is
working within the halls of Congress where most of the members are supportive
of Armenian and Greek issues. Congressman Andrews commended the ANC and AHC
keeping their respective communities informed and involved in the political
Representing New Jersey’s 1st Congressional District, Congressman Andrews
is a
member of the Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues. He sits on the House of
Representatives Select Committee on Homeland Security and the Education and
Workforce Committee. The Congressman has consistently supported Armenian
and has earned an A or better on the ANCA Congressional Report Card during the
last two election cycles.
The American Hellenic Council (AHC) is a non-partisan political advocacy
organization based in California, whose purpose of AHC is to lobby and inform
congress about Greek American interests and issues.

2) OSCE Minsk Co-chair Calls for Azeri Concession

BAKU (Armenpress)–According to an interview published in the Azeri daily
Ekspress, the Russian co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group revealed that
Armenian and Azeri officials are negotiating an agreement to the Mountainous
Karabagh conflict.
Russian diplomat Yuri Merzlyakov also called on Azerbaijan to make
during upcoming talks between Azeri and Armenian foreign ministers Elmar
Mamedyarov and Vartan Oskanian in Prague.
Yuri Merzlyakov described the scheduled January 11 talks in Prague as
“decisive,” saying that “Armenia has agreed to some concessions. Now, it is
Azerbaijan’s turn.”
Azeri President Ilham Aliyev recently told his Security Council that a new
stage in settling the Karabagh conflict has begun, and that the Prague process
foresees a resolution to the conflict that would be “favorable to Azerbaijan.”
Merzlyakov reacted, saying that though proposals put forth by Baku would not
be ruled out, mutual steps must be taken, and desire must be “demonstrated and
“Dialogue can continue towards a final resolution–should the Prague meeting
produce any specific results,” the Russian co-chairman stressed. He said the
meeting of the ministers “will cast some light on many questions about the
evaluation of the situation, specific proposals and prospects of holding more
talks: Armenia has agreed to some concessions. Now, it is Azerbaijan’s turn.”

3) Another Assault by a Yesihva Student on an Armenian Priest

By Bedross Der Matossian

JERUSALEM–While Armenians all over the world were celebrating Christmas on
January 6, Armenians of Jerusalem were celebrating the feast of Saint James
Lesser First Bishop of Jerusalem and the feast of King David.
On the same day, Father Avedis Ipradjian woke up early to go to the Church of
Virgin Mary to conduct mass. After completing his duties, he returned back to
the Monastery of St. James to take part in the Holy Mass.
“While I was standing in front of the Monastery’s main gate, a Yeshiva
came and spat on me,” he said. Father Avedis, who did not resort to any
kind of
violence, tried to convince the Yeshiva student to go with him to the police
station and resolve the issue peacefully. “I told him that he has to apologize
for the incident and go with me to the police station, but, on the
contrary, he
continued cursing at me,” Father Avedis said furiously.
While the altercation between Father Avedis and the Yeshiva student was
place, a taxi carrying four Yeshiva students stopped nearby. The students
immediately came to aid of the Yeshiva Student. “Suddenly, one of them
me and I still did not resort to any kind of violence,” Father Avedis said.
Meanwhile, a representative from the Foreign Ministry, who happened to be in
the area and was accompanied by European diplomats and Israeli security,
immediately came to the aid of Father Avedis. “The official immediately ran
towards me and asked me if I need any help…Then he tried to stop the Yeshiva
students, but he himself was assaulted. Consequently, the Israeli security
interfered and tried to detain the Yeshiva students,” he said.
After the arrival of the police, the four Yeshiva students were arrested and
taken to the nearby police station. Father Avedis was also called to give a
Bishop Aris Shirvanian, director of ecumenical and foreign relations of the
Patriarchate of the Armenian Orthodox Church in the Holy Land, who had gone
directly to the police station, contacted Mr. Mordechai Levi, the newly
appointed advisor on Christian affairs to Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski.
“Right away, Mr. Levi rushed to the police station and condemned the
Bishop Shirvanian said.
That same evening, the Jerusalem Post reported that the assault on the priest
was immediately condemned by the New York-based Anti Defamation League, and,
later, by the Mayor of Jerusalem. “This kind of behavior is outrageous,
inappropriate, and goes against all Jewish teachings,” said the Co-Director of
the ADL’s Israel Office Laura Kam Issacharoff to the Jerusalem Post. Moreover,
according to the Jerusalem Post, Mayor Uri Lupolianski also condemned the
attack, which he called a “despicable act…likely to harm the delicate
relations that exist in Jerusalem.” The Mayor added, “Jewish people, who were
subject to centuries of persecution abroad, should be the first to show
tolerance and moderation to others.”
According to Bishop Shirvanian, this kind of assault is not only against the
Armenians, but is also directed against all the Christian denominations. He
added that behavior of the sort is restricted only to an extreme segment of
Orthodox Jews. “During a meeting between the Christian church leaders and the
Jewish Orthodox Rabbis last month, the Jewish Orthodox leaders condemned these
kinds of acts,” Bishop Shirvanian said.
Father Norayr Kazazian, who also rushed to the police station, expressed
concern that such incidents are still occurring. “We all have to learn to live
peacefully with each other and respect each other. Jerusalem is not only a
place for the Jews, but also for Christians and Muslims.”
This is the second assault on an Armenian clergy in the last three months. In
October 2003, Bishop Nourhan Manougian was assaulted by a Yeshiva student
leading a procession marking the Exaltation of the Holy Cross near the Church
of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City.

4) Prelate’s New Year and Christmas Dinner Complete Success

LOS ANGELES–On January 6, Western Prelacy supporters gathered at Montebello’s
Baghramian Hall to celebrate Armenian Christmas Eve at the Prelate’s
traditional New Year and Christmas Dinner. Present at the joyous event were
representatives of various Armenian organizations, numerous dignitaries,
including Consul General of the Republic of Armenia Gagik Kirakosian and loyal
supporters of the Prelacy’s mission.
Under the auspices of Prelate Bishop Mousegh Mardirossian, several large
contributions highlighted the evening’s festivities. Mrs. Ashkhen Pilavjian
made a donation of $200,000 to sponsor the ARS Preschool of the San Fernando
Valley. Philanthropist Charles Keyan, who had established a $50,000
fund for Mesrobian High School in 2004, boosted the total sum to $100,000.
Rose Kasimian donated $150,000 to the Prelacy in memory of her late husband,
Mr. Kegham Kasimian. Mrs. Kasimian will be sponsoring the Media Department of
the Prelacy as well as a Khachkar and several religious publications.
A donation of $50,000 from the Compatriotic Union of Ourfa will be
used to
sponsor the Western Memorial Wall of the Prelacy Building, as well as a
khachkar and a fountain on the premises.
Longtime Prelacy supporters, Mr. and Mrs. John and Asdghig Bedrosian, who
have hosted the annual dinner for several years now, also made a generous
donation to the newly established Mortgage Burning Fund for the Prelacy

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