DeFeo reflects on Delaware County notables

News of Delaware County, PA
Jan 12 2005

DeFeo reflects on Delaware County notables
By Joe DeFeo 01/12/2005

Thank you, Upper Darby/ Lansdowne Rotary for mailing me your weekly
bulletin, “Cogs & Notches.”

I was one of your rotary members for 15 years, and I appreciate being
remembered. I especially enjoy Dr. Jack Schulman’s articles, which
are newsy and humorous.

Former Delaware County personality Al Alberts has published his
autobiography entitled, “My Song, The Words and the Music of My
World.” Al and his wife, Stella, produced the Al Alberts Showcase on
WPVI Channel Six for a record 32 years. Al also was the lead singer
for the Four Aces, a very popular vocal group, during the past 30

The Alberts, who reside in Port Charlotte, Fla., where Al conducts a
syndicated radio show called “Harmony.” His latest recording is “If I
Never Sing Another Song.” And on a personal note, I wrote the lyrics
for “Philadelphia, My Home Town,” which Al recorded some 20 years

John Tajirian of Drexel Hill, who publishes Tijirian’s Bulletin, a
religious periodical, produced a special Christmas edition which
highlighted many interesting anecdotes about the birth of Jesus
Christ and included a few episodes about His youth, not too well
known. As an Armenian, Tajirian, has also published a 12-part series
about the Turkish occupied region of Armenia.

Al Raymond, a friend and Broomall neighbor, wrote a very interesting
article in our NEWS about the history of the big bands. As a big band
leader and former teacher for many years who once was a member of
several well known orchestras in America, he is very well versed on
the subject. In fact, he authored three books on the subject.

During the drop in popularity of big bands, Raymond stood alone in
our area and continued to thrive. He did his best to help revive the
sad situation. Perhaps his articles may help somewhat to bring back
some real music. As a big band enthusiast, I feel that an entire
generation of young followers of music have sadly denied the
magnificent sounds of orchestras like Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller,
The Dorseys, Artie Show, Harry James, and dozens more professional
and talent hands.

Joan Toeniessen, a former editor of our NEWS who we thought would
retire to a life of quiet and leisure, is busier than ever. The
former president of the Ardmore Rotary and her husband of 48 years,
Lowell, have been on the traveling treadmill to visit their married
offspring and their grandchildren. There are so many of them whose
names and activities I will omit the interest of space.

Suffice it to say they are all well and talented in various ways.

Only recently, Will, Andrew, Michael and Bill, of the Toeniessen
clan, played in the Woodland String Band during the Mummers parade.

To reach all of the Toenniessen family tree members, Mom and Pop’s
travel agenda included stops in Virginia, New York, New Jersey,
Illinois, Maine and Minnesota, finally heading for Clearwater, Fla.,
to spend several weeks watching their favorite Phillies during their
spring training days.

When all the traveling is finished, Joan will come home to continue
with her writing, rotary, and her volunteer work with hospice. So, a
retirement from work may have meant that she was even busier than

Hey, that sounds like an oxymoron.

Joe DeFeo has written for NDC for almost 50 years.