SAE President Visit to Washington

Macedonian Press Agency



Washington, 24 January 2005 (14:39 UTC+2)

World SAE President Andrew A. Athens, attended the festivities for President
Bush’s inauguration in Washington and concluded a series of meetings dealing
with the U.S. position on Turkey and Cyprus, Omogeneia issues in Albania and
SAE’s medical program.

`It was a very productive visit, especially in planning Omogeneia actions on
Cyprus’, Mr. Athens stated. `At the meeting with the officers of the major
Cypriot organizations we decided to focus on a short-term, intensive effort
in anticipation of the October deadline Turkey is facing on the future of
its discussions with the European Union.’ The meeting was requested by PSEKA
President Phil Christopher and attended by Cyprus Federation of America
President Panicos Papanicolaou and former president Savvas Tsivicos; Greek
Ambassador George Savvaidis and Cypriot Ambassador Evripides Evriviadis.

In meetings with highly placed Congressmen and State Department officials,
Mr. Athens sought and received key U.S. backing in support of the
application of Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and Albania to be granted
Albanian citizenship. `Because Albania does not have clear laws regarding
citizenship, it has taken a long time to act on the application of his
Eminence’, Mr. Athens said.

At a dinner hosted by Mr. Athens and Mr. Andrew Manatos of the Coordinated
Effort of Hellenes, the Omogeneia honoured his Eminence Archbishop Demetrios
of America. Among about 50 invitees were Congressman Bilirakis and State
Department and National Security Council officials, including Undersecretary
Barbara Pope, and USAID Director Andrew Natsios.

During his visit to Washington, Mr. Athens also presented reports on the
Primary Health Care Initiative to USAID Director Natsios and Ambassador for
Humanitarian Assistance Tom Adams. The development agency supports SAE’s
health care program for Hellenes and recently utilized PHCI to upgrade
health care stations in Armenia and Georgia.

After the visit to Washington, Mr. Athens was scheduled to fly to
Thessaloniki to attend the commemoration of the Memorial Day honouring Greek
victims of the Holocaust.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress