Wales-Armenia Solidarity Marks Holocaust Day

Wales-Armenia Solidarity
Solidarite Pays de Galles- Armenie
Press Release

On the Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day,The Political, Cultural, and
Religious Elite of Wales once more gather in Solidarity with the
Armenian and Jewish victims of Turkish and Nazi Crimes against

At The Temple of Peace, Cardiff, capital of Wales, a nation emerging
from 700 years of English misrule, on 26th january, representatives of
all Religious denominations, the President of the National Cultural
Festival and the leaders all political parties, including the First
Minister of the National Assembly Rhodri Morgan gather to commemmorate
the Armenian victims of genocide perpetrated by the Turkish State in
1894-96, 1909, and 1915-23 (and the Jewish victims of the1939-45
Holocaust). On this issue unanimity of opinion has been reached and
this establishes a moral challenge to the U.K. government’s position
of conniving to aid Turkey’s accesion into the European Union without
any pre-condition of Recognition of its past crimes against the
Armenian nation. The main speaker will be Mike Joseph, the authority
on the close connection between the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish
Holocaust. Welsh and Armenian choirs will participate at this

It was the Welshman David Lloyd George, who was Prime minister of
Britain from 1916-22, who recognised Britain’s guilt in the matter. He
wrote in 1932 in “The Truth about Peace Treaties”: ” It was the
actions of the British government that led to the massacres of
1894-96, 1909 and worst of all, the the Holocaust of 1915″. True to
tradition today’s British government continue to turn a blind eye to
Turkey’s genocidal policies towards Armenia.