Zoryan Institute Invites Applications for Ph.D. Scholarship Fund

255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310
Toronto, ON, Canada M3B 3H9
Tel: 416-250-9807 Fax: 416-512-1736 E-mail: zoryan@zoryaninstitute.org

Date: January 26, 2005
Contact: George Shirinian Tel:

Zoryan Institute Invites Applications for Ph.D. Scholarship Fund

TORONTO, CANADA – The Zoryan Institute is now inviting applications for its
new Ph.D. Scholarship Fund. This fund has been established through the
generosity and vision of the Bal family of Montreal. It is intended for
Ph.D. students preparing their thesis on the Armenian Genocide or a
comparative study with other genocides.

“We are very pleased to be able to offer this support to doctoral students,”
commented Lisa Siraganian, a member of Zoryan’s Academic Board. “The
scholarship program is designed to provide assistance when they are at what
is known as the ‘All But Dissertation’ stage. This is the point when they
have finished all their course work and comprehensive exams,” she explained,
“and must now begin the long and arduous task of researching and writing
their thesis.”

Applicants must be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited Ph.D.
program at a university in North America or Europe. They must be a Ph.D.
candidate in good standing at the ABD stage, (i.e., all requirements for the
PhD have been completed except for the dissertation).

Awards will be made on the following basis. First, academic excellence,
based on a review of graduate transcripts. Second, two letters of
recommendation from professors–at least one from a dissertation advisor who
is sufficiently familiar with the project and can attest to the candidate’s
research skills and intellectual capabilities. Third, a six-page description
by the candidate of the thesis, including theoretical approach to be used,
methodology to be applied, and goals to be achieved, along with his/her
assessment of the subject’s importance in the context of current
scholarship. Fourth, a sample of a graduate paper related to the thesis
topic or a dissertation chapter, 25-30 pages in length, if preferred.

The following languages are considered an asset to the applicant’s
candidacy: Armenian, Ottoman Turkish, Modern Turkish, English, and German.

There are no restrictions as to the nationality of the applicant.

Applications must be received by March 31, 2005. Scholarships will be
awarded by the end of June.

The amount awarded will vary according to each application, and will not
exceed $10,000 per year or $20,000 per individual in total, over the course
of four years. Students will be re-evaluated every year.

Further details about the scholarship can be found at
For more information about the scholarship, please
contact the Zoryan Institute, 255 Duncan Mill Rd., Suite 310, Toronto,
Canada M3B 3H9, 416-250-9807, zoryaninstitute@zoryaninstitute.org.

The Zoryan Institute is the first non-profit, international center devoted
to the research and documentation of contemporary issues related to Armenian
social, political and cultural life. To this end, the Institute conducts
multidisciplinary research, publication, and educational programs dealing
with Armenia, the Armenian Genocide, and Diaspora, within a universal
