CESS Annual Conf., Sept. 29-Oct. 2, 2005, 2004, Boston Univ.

CESS 2005 Annual Conference
c/o Program on Central Asia and the Caucasus
Harvard University
615 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A.
tel.: +1 / 617-496-2643
fax: +1 / 617-495-8319
e-mail: [email protected]


Central Eurasian Studies Society Sixth Annual Conference (2005)

September 29-October 2, 2005 Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

The Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) invites PAPER and ROUNDTABLE
proposals for the Sixth CESS Annual Conference, September 29-October 2,
2005, in Boston, Massachusetts. The event will be hosted by Boston University.

Please note that this is an abbreviated version of the Call for Papers.
Please visit the CESS website
for full details, or
request a text version of the full Call for Papers by sending an email to
<[email protected]>.

Paper and roundtable proposals relating to all aspects of humanities and
social science scholarship on Central Eurasia are welcome. The geographic
domain of Central Eurasia extends from the Black Sea and Iranian Plateau to
Mongolia and Siberia, including the Caucasus, Crimea, Middle Volga,
Afghanistan, Tibet, and Central and Inner Asia. Practitioners and scholars
in all humanities and social science disciplines with an interest in
Central Eurasia are encouraged to participate. The language of the
conference is English.

Based on past CESS conferences, we expect the 2005 conference to be lively
and well-attended by scholars from all over the world. The program will
include panels and roundtables on a wide variety of topics related to
Central Eurasia. Please note that due to the high level of interest, and
the fact that the total number of people on the program will be limited to
no more than 400, we anticipate that the selection of papers will be very
competitive. We also welcome attendees who do not wish to participate in a
panel (see the Registration/Pre-registration Form for information:

The 2005 conference program will be organized differently than it has been
in the past, so please read the full Call for Papers (located at
) carefully. ROUNDTABLE
proposals will be evaluated by the Conference Committee. PAPER proposals
will be submitted to a particular panel organizer from a list of panels
available on the conference website. The person submitting the paper
proposal will inform CESS which panels the paper should be sent to. Papers
that are not accepted on a particular panel will then be sent back to the
Conference Committee for consideration on another panel. Notifications of
acceptances and rejections will be sent by June 1, 2005.

The Conference Committee accepts ONLY ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS — either by
webform (see forms for Individual Papers and for Roundtable Panels at:
), or by an e-mailed form
in MS Word format in the case of those who don’t have web access.


Paper authors should review the submission criteria and the participation
and program policies found at
, and then prepare the
following information in order to start the online submission process.

1. Review the list of panels at
and choose 1-2 panels
you would like your paper to be considered for
2. Prepare the following information for online submission:
– Paper title
– Paper abstract of 200-300 words. Please prepare this carefully, as
panel organizers will be making their decision to accept or reject your
proposal based on the quality of your abstract. Be sure to check spelling
and grammar, and clearly state the topic of your paper, the source of your
data, your specific argument and central findings, and the relevance of
your research for the scholarly literature and to Central Eurasia.
– A biographical statement or brief, narrative CV of 300 words describing
your educational and professional background
3. Submit your proposal via the webform located at
or request a submission
form from [email protected]
4. Become a member of CESS, if you have not already done so. While
membership is not required to submit a paper proposal, membership is
required for participation in the conference. You may complete this step
after your proposal has been accepted.


A roundtable has four to six presenters and a chair/moderator. For
roundtable proposals, the organizer must provide a paragraph describing the
panel objectives and providing justification for use of the roundtable format.

Roundtable organizers should review the submission criteria and the
participation and program policies found at ,
and then prepare the following information in order to start the online
submission process.

1. Prepare the following information for online submission:
– Roundtable title
– Roundtable description of 200-300 words.
– A biographical statement or brief, narrative CV of 300 words describing
your educational and professional background
– The names, institutional affiliations, brief, narrative CVs, and contact
information of each of the presenters who have agreed to be part of your
2. Submit your proposal via the webform located at
or request a submission form from [email protected]
3. Become a member of CESS, if you have not already done so, and make sure
that all the roundtable presenters are members, also. While membership is
not required to submit a paper proposal, membership is required for
participation in the conference. You may complete this step after your
proposal has been accepted.

Deadline for Submission of Paper and Roundtable Proposals: April 1, 2005.

Note: Submissions after this date may be accepted only in the case of
special justifying circumstances and at the discretion of the program

Notification of acceptance: by June 1.

BEST PAPER GRADUATE STUDENT AWARD: There will be an award in the amount of
$500 given to the best graduate student conference paper submitted to the
Awards Committee for consideration. See the CESS awards webpage for
details, or contact the Awards Committee Co-chair, Dr. Uli Schamiloglu

Contact Information

The Co-chairs of the Conference Committee are:

Dr. Laura Adams (Princeton University; [email protected])
Prof. Thomas Barfield (Boston University; [email protected])

Correspondence should be directed to:

CESS 2005 Annual Conference
c/o Program on Central Asia and the Caucasus
Harvard University
615 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02139 U.S.A.
tel.: +1 / 617-496-2643
fax: +1 / 617-495-8319
e-mail: [email protected]

Full information about CESS 2005 in Boston is found on the conference webpages:
Main conference website:
Full information about hosting and location at Boston University:
