Las Vegas: Homeland Security to Review Deportation Case

Jan 27 2005

Homeland Security to Review Deportation Case

(Jan. 27) — Since the sisters were detained by immigration officials
nearly two weeks ago, family lawyers, relatives, even complete
strangers have lobbied politicians to get involved.

The girls are currently in custody in Los Angeles. Immigration
officials want to send them to Armenia because they’re not United
States citizens. But the girls grew up here and know nothing but

A massive effort has been brewing to keep the girls in the United
States and on Wednesday, Senator Harry Reid is joining the fight.

Inside Tropicana Pizza at Wigwam and Pecos, it’s anything but
business as usual. The Sarkisian family restaurant must stay open
even though immigration officials have taken two of their own.

“It’s been very different. It’s not the same,” said Michelle
Sarkisian, who is the sister of the two girls facing deportation.
Thirteen-year-old Michelle is helping out and filling the gap left
behind by her older sisters, 18-year-old Emma and 17-year-old Mariam.

The two girls typically work the front counter. Now, their pictures
are all that’s left. Emma and Mariam are locked up in Los Angeles
facing deportation to Armenia.

“Well, this is an example of what’s wrong with our immigration
policy,” said Senator Harry Reid, (D) Nevada. After widespread
publicity about this case, Nevada Senator Harry Reid is stepping in.

“This is a situation where these two young girls, through no fault of
their own, have been thrown into a situation that’s really
untenable.” In a satellite interview from Washington, D.C., Reid
tells Eyewitness News that he has called the Department of Homeland
Security Secretary Tom Ridge on Wednesday. Reid talked about the
Sarkisian girls.

“And he interrupted me and said, ‘don’t tell me we’re deporting
them.’ I said, ‘yes.’ He said, ‘oh no.'” Reid is optimistic Secretary
Ridge will step in. After 9-11, Homeland Security took over control
of immigration enforcement.

Ridge is the top person and has the power to keep the girls here. “I
know Tom Ridge pretty well. I don’t think this is something he wants
to happen in the last few days of his administration,” Reid said.

The last few days for the Sarkisian family have been a complete
nightmare. Rouben, the father is hopeful Reid’s effort will close the
lid on this dark chapter in their lives.

Secretary Ridge is not serving a second term under the Bush
administration. So his last day will be Tuesday. Reid believes this
will all be resolved by then and the girls will be back home in Las