BAKU: OSCE Accepts Azeri Evidence on Illegal Settlement in Karabakh

OSCE mission accepts Azeri evidence on illegal settlement in Karabakh –

Turan news agency
28 Jan 05


Settlement on the occupied territories of Azerbaijan is being carried
out directly by Armenia, Azerbaijan’s deputy foreign minister [Araz
Azimov] said at today’s press conference commenting on the 28 January
meeting in the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry with the co-chairmen of
the OSCE Minsk Group and with members of the international mission
which is to probe into settlement on the occupied districts.

He said that the meeting was attended by the National Security
Ministry, the State Border Service and the State Committee for Land
[and Cartography]. During the meeting, Azerbaijan presented to the
mission maps, video and audio materials proving settlement on the
occupied territories. The mission regarded the evidence as justified
and accepted it.

The Armenian authorities are directly involved in settlement on the
territories and some 23,000 people have been illegally settled on the
occupied lands, Azimov said. The settlement policy has many forms,
including the implementation of special targeted economic and
infrastructure projects. Settlement on the occupied territories does
not have a positive impact on the negotiations on resolving the

The mission also received information on the use of the occupied
territories for drugs trafficking and for organized criminal activity.

The fact-finding mission will reach the territories in several
days. They will first visit Kalbacar and Lacin districts and will then
head for other territories, including Susa District.

The investigation will last 10 days. A report will then be prepared on
the basis of the gathered evidence. Next, the report will be presented
to the OSCE Minsk Group and to the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna.

Azimov also commented on the PACE resolution on Nagornyy Karabakh. He
said that the resolution objectively reflected the occupation of
Azerbaijan’s land and ethnic cleansing. Azimov said that the current
talks between Armenia and Azerbaijan discussed ending the military
conflict and removing its consequences. An agreement should be
prepared and signed on the results of the discussions, Azimov said.

When the time comes, there will be discussion with representatives of
Nagornyy Karabakh’s Armenian community and with the Azerbaijani
community which will by then return there. “Azerbaijan will be
discussing the issue of communities with its citizens and the public
should realize that,” Azimov said.