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PACE Res on NK Unfavorable for Armenian Side: Vahan Hovhannisian


YEREVAN, JANUARY 28. ARMINFO. The resolution of the Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe on Nagorny Karabakh is unfavorable
on the whole for the Armenian side. Vice Speaker of National Assembly
of Armenia, member of the bureau of the party ARF Dashnaktsutiun Vahan
Hovhannisian stated during the news conference at the National press
club, Friday.

Of course, there are separate provisions in the document, proceeding
from the interests of the Armenian side, the vice speaker said. Among
them the call on to the authorities of Azerbaijan to begin a dialogue
with representatives of Nagorny Karabakh on determination of the
status of this region. Despite the fact that the PACE resolution on
Nagorny Karabakh is of recommendation nature and cannot have a legal
influence on the process of settlement of the Karabakh conflict within
the framework of OSCE Minsk Group, it is dangerous that Azerbaijan
succeeded to bring the discussions concerning the Karabakh problem
from the format of OSCE Minsk Group to other international instances
who know little about the kernel of the Karabakh conflict, Vahan
Hovhannisian stressed. And it is the omission of the Armenian
diplomacy, he said. “All the experts, including the cochairmen of the
OSCE Minsk Group, who have examined the genesis and the history of the
Karabakh conflict, know well in whose side is the truth.

Just that’s why, beginning from 1998 the positions of the Armenian
party concerning the Karabakh conflict have been taken into
consideration in all the proposals of OSCE Minsk Group. And that’s why
these proposals were rejected by Azerbaijan, the vice speaker
said. According to him, Azerbaijan, realizing the fact that it cannot
reach a success in the negotiation process within the framework of the
OSCE Minsk Group, as it is difficult to mislead the cochairmen, has
transferred the discussions of the Karabakh conflict to international
instances who know about it a little. Just for this reason the
Armenian side has declared that PACE is not the most favorable arena
for discussion of the Karabakh problem. However, it the fact is
important that no one of the international structures supports the
militarist aspirations of Azerbaijan in the Karabakh problem, and in
the process of peaceful negotiations the Armenian party will be able
to reach certain achievements.

The negotiation process for settlement of the Karabakh conflict is
going on, it means this issue has not reached a deadlock”,
Hovhannisian said. He stressed that a special advice format with the
participation of the heads of Armenian delegations to international
structures will be established at the National Assembly for increase
of the efficiency of the parliamentary diplomacy.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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