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Sofia Exhibits Unique Glimpses from Turkey’s Top Peak

Sofia News Agency/Novonite, Bulgaria
Jan 28 2005

Sofia Exhibits Unique Glimpses from Turkey’s Top Peak

Photo reporter K. Atanasova (R) was heartfully greeted by M. Behar,
CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc., while opening her exhibition on
Turkey’s Mount Agri. The event is held under aegis of H.E. Ambassador
Haydar Berk (L). Photo by Y.Nikolova (SNA)

An exclusive photo exhibition dedicated to Turkey’s Mount Agri opened
in Sofia to offer rare images from this remote and slightly known
region believed to keep the biblical Noah’s Arch.

The pictures were taken by Sofia News Agency’s young photo reporter
Kameliya Atanasova, who climbed the dormant volcano last summer in a
joint expedition of Bulgarian and Turkish alpinists.

The lavish opening of the exhibition attracted scores of official and
ordinary people intrigued to peep into that another world caught in

The expo was organized by PR leader M3 Communications Group, Inc.,
and held under the aegis of the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey and
H.E. Ambassador Haydar Berk.

Snowcapped Agri rises to a height of 5165 m, and is Turkey’s highest
peak. It overlooks vast areas bordering Iran, Iraq and Armenia.

Agri is the famous biblical Mount Ararat, the legendary site of the
second beginning of the world. It is believed that Noah’s Ark rested
on its summit during the big flood, and the wide plain of Igdir at
the foot of the mountain is the first place where Noah set foot after
the disaster.

Vardanian Garo:
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