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Violation of Constitution and Law on Language


29 Jan 05


An Open Letter to Armenian Authorities, Particularly Andranik
Margarian, Prime Minister, President of the Council of Armenian
Republican Party and President of State Commission on Celebration of
1600th Anniversary of Armenian Alphabet

As a citizen of Armenian Republic, I feel obliged to draw your
attention to the fact that is as I think a violation of the Armenian
Constitution (the 12th article) and the Law on Language: the seals of
Armenia’s frontier posts contain no letter of the Armenian alphabet.

Moreover, if the frontier signets had the inscription “Rossiya,
Yerevan” (in Russian) before 1998, we have marked progress since then
and now the inscription reads “Armeniya, Yerevan” (in Russian), which
means that Armenia grew into an autonomous republic of RF from being a
Russian city.

Mr. Prime Minister,

I appeal to you to treat this fatal mistake from both its linguistic
and contextual meanings. I am sure that you will agree that this
disgustful fact contradicts Nzhdeh’s ideology of Tsekhakronutyun that
the Republican Party proclaims. Great leader, as was Garegin Nzhdeh,
would not bear such a thing.

Best regards, Gevorg Yaztchian

P.S. The last document of the 1st Armenian Republic – Dro’sletter to
the head of the Armenian delegation, Alexander Khatisian in December 2
of 1920- also was in foreign language. Is it surprising that a state
ruled by authorities with such a sacrilegious attitude towards
national values collapsed? It threatens today’s Armenia as well if it
goes on with such criminal ways.

By Georges Der Partogh, Nicosia

Nadirian Emma:
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