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ASU Continues Cooperation


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
31 Jan 05

On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of Moscow University after
Lomonosov the rector of Moscow University Sadovich invited the rector
of Artsakh State University Hamlet Grigorian to take part in the
jubilee of the university which set out on January 24. .We shall be
glad to see you among the honorary guests,. said V. Sadovich in the
invitation. In the framework of the celebration on January 25 a
jubilee meeting took place in the Kremlin Palace. On the previous day
several festivities took place. In the Uspensky temple of the Kremlin
the day of Saint Tatyana was celebrated after which the ceremony of
opening of the new library building was held. During the international
conference dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the university the
rectors of the universities of Beijing, New York, Saint Petersburg and
others addressed the participants. The rector of Artsakh State
University Hamlet Grigorian reported on the topic .From History of
Russian-Armenian Educational Relations. devoted to the 1600 years of
the Armenian alphabet and the first school in Artsakh. All this proves
once again that Artsakh State University continues cooperating with
different universities of the Russian Federation. .Education and
science must not be mixed with politics as they are universal values;
this was stated by the UN General Assembly and UNESCO pursues its
fulfillment. All the universities of the world have the right to
establish horizontal relationships with one another, and Artsakh State
University fulfills its right,. said Hamlet Grigorian.


Harutyunian Christine:
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