BAKU: Azerbaijani Deputy FM: Territorial compromise is unacceptable

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Feb 2 2005

[February 02, 2005, 21:08:18]

On February 2, at the `Europe’ hotel was commenced a two-days
workshop under the aegis of NATO ` Economics, security and defence:
the security aspects of the macroeconomic stabilization and
structural reforms including a management of the defence resources’.

The workshop have been attended by representatives NATO members
countries, partners of the organization and diplomatic corps in

NATO secretary general’s deputy on the regional, economics and
security issues Patric Hardown said that it is a second workshop in
the region. As he noted Azerbaijan and Georgia are two most
developing countries in the South Caucasus region, as well as in the
world. According to reports of the EBRD the given countries have
expanding the economy and cooperation with both countries is very
important for NATO.

Deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov has noted that
organizing of the workshop in Azerbaijan showen a great interest of
NATO to our country. As he said, the economic development is
necessary for providing of security and these issues is interrelated.
Mr. Azimov also has speaking of the integration of Azerbaijan into
Euroatlantic structures, taking by government measures for membership
in WTO, for reduction of poverty and regional development.

As regards the Armenian-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, Mr.
Azimov has remind of inadmissibility of the compromise on territorial
issues. He said that PA of COE has adopted in January a document
which once again confirmed the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Then representatives of the several countries has gave a reports.

The workshop is continues.