BAKU: Premier of Azernaijan receives Russian FM

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
Feb 2 2005

[February 02, 2005, 17:45:00]

On February 2, Artur Rasizade, Prime Minister of the Republic of
Azerbaijan, has received the delegation headed by the Russian foreign
minister Sergey Lavrov.

Noting that the relations between the two countries are high level in
all fields, head of the Azerbaijan Government especially underlined
dynamic development of economic links. He said volume of goods
turnover between the two countries have increased in one and a half,
and the meetings of the inter-governmental commission is regularly
held. After Vladimir Putin has come to power in Russia, after his
talks with the nationwide leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, the
ties between the two countries have acquired higher level. And
currently, there is no unsolved problem between the two countries.
Recently, the negotiations on questions of delimitation of borders
will commence.

Speaking of the economic achievements, on the ongoing reforms, the
premier stated the major problem is the unsolved Armenia-Azerbaijan,
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict which impedes more effective development of
the Country.

Sergey Lavrov, highly estimating the development level of partnership
ties of the two countries, gave a positive assessment to the talks
between heads of foreign policy departments of the two countries.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan Republic in Russia Ramiz Rizayev took part
at the reception.