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Experts Seek Reasonable Settlement for Nagorno Karabakh


3 Feb 05

A round table at Yerevan hotel on February 1 gathered together
representatives of a new oppositional faction (Vazgen Manukian, Paruyr
Hayrikyan and Ashot Manucharian), political experts from Armenia and
NKR to discuss the present-day viewpoints on Nagorno Karabakh issue.

Both the political figures, and the political experts stated that the
inner processes of Armenia and NKR lead to the direction that can
threaten the security of the Armenian nation.

The meeting was directed to elaborating an objective policy on the
experts’ level. The participants of the meeting said that the
establishment of the control mechanism for the decisions made by the
official institutions concerning the inner policy. The publicities of
both Armenia and Artsakh should care about the establishment of this

The initiators of the round table stated that our “unprotected
national interests” are caused by the fact that “the political order
shaped in Armenia and the functions of the state bodies do not
correspond with the constitutional criteria. This factor creates the
atmosphere of preferences for some groups’ interests in conducting
home and foreign policy.”

According to Ashot Manucharian, the political field of Armenia
constantly lost potential in the course of the last ten years. Both
the nation and the political elite with the political experts are
withdrawn, leaving the political area to a small group of
people. “Meanwhile, quite contrary processes are fixed in the
world. The foreign policy is shaped by the whole potential of the

The political figures envisage to organize some other meetings with
the participation of the political experts, including NKR as
well. These meetings should contribute to making more concrete and
reasonable suggestions for achieving the settlement.

By Karine Danielian

Toganian Liana:
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