Bp. Galstanian Writes to Canada PM on Same Sex Marriage Legislation

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; [email protected], [email protected]

Bishop Bagrat Galstanian Comments on Same Sex Marriage Legislation in Canada

The proposed Same Sex Marriage legislation tabled by the Minister of
Justice on February 1, 2005 in the House of Commons is a controversial
issue. If passed, it would make Same Sex Marriage legal across Canada.

Religious groups, including the Catholic, Christian Orthodox, Sikh,
Hindu and Orthodox Jewish denominations, are opposed to this
legislation, as are the Conservative Party led by the Hon. Stephen
Harper and some members within the governing Liberal Party.

On February 2, 2005, His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of
the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Diocese of Canada, sent a letter to
the Prime Minister of Canada the Rt. Hon. Paul Martin expressing his
deep concern. Inhis letter, the Primate affirms that “marriage is and
should remain the union of one man and one woman, and the traditional
meaning of marriage should not be altered or modified”, and “we will
see more serious and difficult problems, because the basic moral
principles of the perception of family unity are being touched and



No 2005.039
February 2, 2005

The Right Honorable Mr. Paul Martin, P.C., M. P.,
Prime Minister of Canada
House of Commons, Parliament Buildings,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6

Dear Prime Minister,

I acknowledge the weight of difficulty and challenge that the
Government of Canada is facing regarding the most recent developments
on the definition of marriage.

I am writing this letter as the spiritual leader of a nation within
Canada whose spiritual, moral and national values have traveled 6000
years and have been refined since the official adoption of
Christianity as a religion of the state and nation over 1700 years

As a nation we have found a safe haven in Canada where we have been
able to establish our homes and families all the while becoming an
integral part of Canadian society as proud and loyal Canadian

However, a moral problem is becoming more and more prevalent in our
society, in a more and more open manner, which is that of
homosexuality and its resulting redefinition of marriage. Obviously,
we are dealing with a problem that has always existed but is becoming
more eminent today. Therefore, although this phenomenon has always
existed, it is the socialization of the phenomenon that is in

While taking into account each particular case and having a pastoral
concern for the people involved we are convinced that no good for
society will result from it. On the contrary, we will see more serious
and difficult problems arise, because the basic moral principles of
the perception of family unityare being touched and shaken.

We certainly share the concerns of our spiritual brother His Eminence
Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic and repeat his questions.

“Does Canadian society as a whole, and do parents in particular,
understand what the law will be teaching in this instance? Is it fair
to put children in the position of having to reconcile the values and
beliefs of their parents with a novel state-sponsored understanding of
marriage that may not be truly supported by the majority of Canadians?
Have you received assurances from provincial premiers that they are
providing legislative protection for the right of religious officials
and organizations to decline to celebrate same-sex marriages that are
contrary to their faith? Are you prepared to pass legislation in the
absence of such assurances?”

Also, we are supporting the statement made by the Orthodox Bishops in
Canada on August 1st, 2003, which states that Marriage is and should
remain the union of one man and one woman and the traditional meaning
of marriage should not be altered or modified. This statement,
however, does not contradict the one that has been explicitly defined
in the amendment ‘Modernization of Benefits and Obligations Act’, Bill
-23 passed by Parliament June 2000.

A clear cut line must be drawn between being a politician and a
statesman for politicians are concerned about the next election
whereas statesmen are concerned about the next generation. Therefore,
we urge the Government of Canada to leave the fate of this growing
phenomenon up to public opinion by way ofa vote for whatever the
outcome might be it should ultimately be decided by the public whose
lives are impacted most by this issue.

Yours Prayerfully,

Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate
Armenian Holy Apostolic Church of Canada

The Honorable Stephen Harper, Leader of the Official Opposition (Conservative
The Honorable Gilles Duceppe, Le chef du Bloc Québécois
The Honorable Jack Layton, Leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress
