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Even Lincy Funds Did Not Help

A1 Plus | 13:52:19 | 03-02-2005 | Regions |


The cultural centers of Gyumri including museums have not been heated
for several years. The heaters purchased and placed by the Lincy
Foundation last year are not appropriate for heating museums. In order
to provide normal temperature all the heaters should work according to
10-hour schedule which demands considerable expenses. The funds
assigned by the budget are not enough to provide more or less
appropriate heating.

“If we try to save the funds during summer and spend them on heating
in winter, this will be sufficient for a month only,” Director of the
the Museum of Folk Architecture and Urbanism Sona Harutyunyan told our
colleagues from Tsayg TV Company.

Optimal temperature for keeping the displays is 17-20 degrees
Celsius. According to the museum directors, stable temperature should
be maintained in the halls otherwise sharp temperature drops will
result in spoiling of the exhibit and canvases.

Administrations of the cultural centers hope that the electric heaters
will be replaced by gas ovens or heaters. City Hall officials promised
to solve the problem by supplying the museums with natural gas.

Kamalian Hagop:
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