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No gas leak found in flat where Georgian PM died – Russian agency

No gas leak found in flat where Georgian PM died – Russian agency

RIA news agency, Moscow
3 Feb 05


Experts have not found a gas leak in the flat where Georgian Prime
Minister Zurab Zhvaniya died, general director of Tbilgaz [gas
distributor] David Morchiladze told reporters.

“There was no leakage of natural gas,” he said.

The gas heater was installed two days ago and the flat has apparently
not been ventilated since then, he added.

[Passage omitted: the scene of the accident is cordoned off by police;
doctors in a hospital to which Zhvaniya’s body has been taken refuse
to talk to the press.]

[In a separate report at 0706 gmt 3 Feb 05 Russian news agency RIA
quoted (?Petre Mamradze), the chief of staff of the Georgian State
Chancellery, as saying that gas poisoning is so far the only version
of Zhvaniya’s death.]

Chakrian Hovsep:
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