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Azerbaijani Journalist To Visit Stepanakert


5 Feb 05

Arman Melikian, minister of foreign affairs of Nagorno Karabakh,
called a press conference on February 4 introducing the plans of the
Ministry in new future.

The activities of OSCE monitoring mission in Nagorno Karabakh were in
journalists’ spotlight as was supposed. Arman Melikian said that they
coordinated the activities of both sides before the mission. He added
that the Karabakh authorities made a suggestion to carry out a
monitoring 2-3 years ago but OSCE responded only to Azerbaijan’s late
offer. The minister said that they are looking forward not to the
results of the mission’s activities but to how will the OSCE use these

Answering journalists’ complaint as to being forbidden to accompany
the monitoring group Melikian said that was done at mission members
request as they feared that people won’t feel free to speak out in
journalists’ presence.

Answering daily Azg’s question concerning the possible visit of an
Azerbaijani journalist, Eynula Fatulayev, from Monitor magazine to
Stepanakert the minister said that Fatulayev really expressed
willingness to come to Karabakh and the Karabakh authorities gave
their consent to his visit. He is going to arrive in Stepanakert on
February 10 despite Azeri society’s oppression and will meet
representatives of socio-political circles and mass media. The
minister said that such relations between conflicting sides create an
atmosphere of comprehension within both societies.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert

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