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Knowledge Is The Key To Macedonia

Feb 4 2005

Knowledge Is The Key To Macedonia

By Alexander Antonarakis
Feb. 4, 2005

Dear Audience and Thomas Keyes, the Macedonian Question is one of
time, Geographical Positioning, and historical slander. I will make
this quite short.

The creation of the state of Skopia. This area of the Balkans was and
is always considered as the birthplace of the modern Bulgarian
nation, as Kosovo is to the Serbs. Ohrid was the capital of the
Bulgarian Tsardom in the 10th century. Throughout the Ottoman Empire
this area was called the Milliet of Rum, and had nothing to do with
Macedonia. I have spoken with a Bulgarian and an educated Skopian,
and they both agreed that they spoke the same language and were of
the same truko-slavic race as the Bulgarians are. The idea of these
Slavic brothers being called Macedonians came as a figment of Tito’s
imagination. In fact, Yugoslavia was the only country to need a visa
for Greece. Also, what hardship did they suffer from the Greeks that
we didn’t suffer from the Bulgarian fascists of the world war? We did
not allow Slavs into Greece because they were COMMUNISTS!!! NOT
BECAUSE OF ETHICITY! We had just suffered a civil war and defeated
communism when Tito named the republics.

The Geographic location of Macedonia. Well, this should be
surprising…! Throughout most of Byzantium, the Theme of Macedonia
was NOT centred on the modern area. The Capital was Adrianople, and
stretched from Serrai to the Walls of Constantinople. The Theme in
present day Macedonia was called that of Thessaloniki. Also the
Macedonian Dynasty of Byzantium came from near Adrianople, and were
half Armenian originally. No one can argue that ancient Macedonia was
largely on the Modern Greek Macedonia, and the north was periphery!

History. Here are a few questions. Why would Phillip try and educate
his son with Greek Philosophers? Why did Alexander create a Hellenic
empire that involved a Hellenic league. He could have easily made the
empire in his dialect. DIALECT is exactly what it is. It has been
written that during the campaign, the Macedonians would resort to
their dialect among friends. Nowadays if Cypriots don’t want to be
fully understood by Greeks, they can put on a pretty heavy accept,
but they are in effect Greek! Was Alexander Greek? He did indeed feel
like one. The Slavs? Indeed they did show in the 6th Century or so,
from the north. They had, and have nothing to do with Macedonia. By
the time they came, the ancient Macedonians had been eradicated by
the Romans centuries before, and they had become fully Greek.

As Thomas Keyes said, we should strive for unity, and the naming of
Skopia as Macedonia is a blatant assault on our and Bulgarian soil.
Also, let the ancients rest in peace. I would propose the name
Slavomacedons if they wish, or Ohridians, or Western Bulgaria. I
plead to all….please get educated the history. As Socrates
said…”knowledge is the only good, and ignorance the only evil”.


About the author Alexander Antonarakis: a PhD candidate in Cambridge
University, UK.

Karakhanian Suren:
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