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ANKARA: Debre Sweats at Turkish Parliament

Zaman, Turkey
Feb 5 2005

Debre Sweats at Turkish Parliament
By Anadolu Agency (aa), Cihan

The Speaker of the French Parliament Jean Louis-Debre has proposed
that an independent international institution conduct research into
allegations of the so-called Armenian genocide.

Still continuing his official Turkey visit, Debre voiced his proposal
at a meeting with Turkish Parliamentary European Union (EU)
Adjustment Committee Yasar Yakis and other commissioners.

Debre proposed research be undertaken into the so-called genocide
allegations by an independent international institution. Expressing
that a group of researchers from The United Nations (UN), the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and The Council of Europe along
with a Swiss group could conduct this independent research. Debre
noted that this may be the only way to reveal whether or not the
genocide allegations are true. Yakis, on the other hand, stressed
that any assessments based on the hypotheses that an Armenian
genocide did occur without any analysis on the validity of some
events that are described as “genocide” would be erroneous. Yakis
said that Turkey is not opposed to the historians’ research and
studies, it has opened the archives on this issue; however, it is the
Armenian side that has not open their archives.

A commissioner and a Republican People’s Party (CHP) member deputy
Onur Oymen also announced that a similar meeting regarding the issue
was previously held in Vienna; however, the Armenian historians did
not attend the second meeting even though Turkey had opened its
archives regarding the issue and presented all information, including
records and documents for examination. Oymen asked: “To which country
had this proposal of yours been made before?” and emphasized that
making political decisions over historical events paves the way for
erroneous outcomes. Debre in response to Oymen’s question of “Why did
you pass a law in your parliament without having research or studies
done on the issue of Armenian genocide?” with, “Let’s put this aside.
We have to forget the past. We want to assist you on your way to the

Kanayan Tamar:
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