According To Arabian Historians,Armenian Genocide Is Black Page Of X


9 Feb 05

On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide,
The Institute of Oriental Studies at RA National Academy of
Sciences published the book by professor Nikolai Hovhanissian. The
book is entitled “The Armenian Genocide Highlighted by the Arabian
Historians.” It is published by state assistance and by the decree
of the State Committee for the Arrangements Dedicated to the 90th
Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The author dedicated his work
to the memory of all the victims of the Armenian Genocide in 1915, “to
all the young Armenian girls that couldnâ~@~Yt become brides and all
the young Armenian boys that didnâ~@~Yt become men,” as well as “to
all the generous Arabs that were kind enough to reach a helping hand
to the Armenians in the hard days of 1915 on their way to Golgotha.”

The book thoroughly represents the researches of the Arabian historians
on the reasons and the essence of the Armenian Genocide, as well as the
methods and mechanisms of its implementation. The author emphasized
the importance of the fact that the Arabian historians began using
the term “Armenocide” (elimination of the Armenians). They stated
that the Armenian Genocide was the dark page of the XX century. At
the same time, the Arabian historians say that the Ottoman Empire
is a country of massacres carried out not only against Armenians but
also against Arabs, Greeks, Assyrians, Slavonian nations, as well as
against other non-Turkish minor nations that lived there.

The author pays special attention to the facts of rendering help to
the Armenians by Arabs in the years of the Genocide.

By Ruzan Poghosian
