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Karabakh extends martial law

Karabakh extends martial law

Artsakh Public TV, Stepanakert
9 Feb 05

[Presenter over video of parliament session] The NKR [Nagornyy
Karabakh Republic] National Assembly held a plenary session on 9
February. At the beginning of the session, members of the Democratic
Artsakh Union ZHAM faction announced that they had renamed the faction
the Democratic faction since the Democratic Artsakh Union had been
renamed the Artsakh Democratic Party. The parliament formed an interim
counting commission consisting of three deputies.

The National Assembly adopted a legislative program for the 10th
session, which consisted of 22 paragraphs. The parliament discussed
and adopted a law on extending martial law in the NKR.

The National Assembly also heard a report presented by NKR
Prosecutor-General Mavrik Gukasyan on the activities of the
prosecutor’s office in 2004. The NKR prosecutor-general was
dissatisfied with the activities of his office.

The National Assembly discussed and adopted a new charter of Artsakh
Public TV. The parliament also exempted Azat Artsakh newspaper
from debts.

The National Assembly adopted changes and amendments to the NKR laws
on administrative division and civil service. The National Assembly
also adopted a law on ombudsman.

At the end of the session deputies put questions to members of the
NKR Cabinet of Ministers.

Jabejian Elizabeth:
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