Opposition Still Boycotting Armenian Parliament

Institute for War & Peace Reporting
Feb 9 2005

Opposition Still Boycotting Armenian Parliament

President’s supporters appear unconcerned as two factions continue
boycott in support of a referendum to oust him.

By Mariam Levina in Yerevan (CRS No. 273, 09-Feb-05)

As Armenia’s parliament opened for business on February 7, the
opposition declared an extension of its now year-long boycott.

The two opposition factions, Justice and National Unity, first
announced a walk-out in February last year after the National
Assembly turned down a proposed change to the law that would have
allowed a nationwide referendum to be held on Robert Kocharian’s

Using a confidence referendum as a tool to oust the president has
long been a goal of the opposition alliance, which controls just 24
of the 131 parliamentary seats. The opposition claims that Kocharian
won the 2003 presidential election, and his supporters swept the
board in a parliamentary poll the same year, only by fixing the

Viktor Dallakian, a member of the Justice group, told IWPR that the
opposition would not back down since the Armenian supreme court
ruling had ruled in favour of a referendum.

“Given that parliament was elected through rigging, our participation
can have no real meaning,” he said. “But if people think they can
exploit us as a mere decoration, to show that the Armenian parliament
has an opposition, then they will not succeed.”

“There can be no talk of ending the boycott as long as the reasons
for it are not removed,” said Stepan Demirchian, a leading opposition
figure who heads Justice.

“To this day, those who falsified the presidential and parliamentary
elections have not been punished. Neither have those who beat
peaceful demonstrators in April last year. This clearly shows that it
is the authorities who stand behind all the lawlessness.”

Demirchian said that his allies would still take part in vital
debates, as they did when parliament was voting on whether to send a
small contingent of troops to Iraq.

The opposition is prepared to debate matters such as constitutional
issues, but more than 40 other bills, some of them authored by the
opposition itself, may end up being ignored.

The pro-government speaker of parliament, Artur Bagdasarian, remained
optimistic, calling 2005 a year of “parliamentary accord”.

But disagreement has already arisen even in those areas which all
parties are in principle happy to debate.

Just before the spring session opened, Justice and National Unity
made it clear they were prepared to debate a proposed set of
constitutional reforms, but said they wanted to see changes to
national and local government and the court system placed top of the

The ruling coalition saw this proviso as an ultimatum. “We don’t need
any favours from them,” said Republican faction leader Galust
Saakyan. “Constitutional reform is of national importance. The
opposition must make up its own mind whether or not to take part.”

Demirchian defended the opposition’s stand, insisting there was no

He described the ruling coalition’s current plans for constitutional
reform as worse than a package of proposals that was rejected in a
2003 referendum.

The parliamentary opposition shows no sign of letting up on its
boycott of day-to-day legislative business.

But according to political analyst Aleksandr Iskandarian, head of the
Caucasus Media Institute, the current opposition is so weak that “a
fundamentally new movement must be established”.

Talks are now under way on a new opposition bloc that would bring
together Armenia’s first post-Soviet foreign minister, Raffi
Ovanesian, former premier Aram Sarkisian, and Ovannes Ovanesian,
chairman of the Liberal Progressive party. Ovanesian says the idea is
to create a pro-Western coalition.

For the established opposition, Demirchian says talk of new alliances
is just hot air, and he denied that his colleagues are in disarray,
saying, “the bloc has been and is functioning, and it is in a
position to accomplish the tasks facing it”.

Aram Karapetian, leader of the New Times party, believes Armenia has
neither an opposition nor a true ruling coalition, “There is a
president who more or less carries out his obligations, and there are
the people who live far away.

“Between them there’s a vacuum which so far no one has been able to
fill – not the government and not the parliament.”

If Karapetian is right in suggesting the established political
groupings – pro- and anti-president alike – are unresponsive to their
electorate, few observers are predicting that this could lead to a
popular uprising resulting in regime change of the kind seen in
Georgia and more recently Ukraine.

“There is no revolutionary situation in Armenia and it is senseless
to talk about it,” Mger Shakgeldian, the deputy chairman of the
pro-government Country of Law (Orinats Erkir) party, told IWPR.

The leader of the pro-government faction Dashnaktsutyun, Levon
Mkrtchian, said there could be “no velvet revolution in Armenia,
because there aren’t the conditions for it”.

Mariam Levina is a journalist at the independent Arminfo agency.
