Ombudsman To Work In Nagorno Karabakh


11 Feb 05

The parliament of NKR held the first sitting of this year. Deputies
adopted amendments to a number of laws, as well as adopted some
new ones. In particular, the law “On Ombudsman” was adopted in the
second reading.

The decree of NKR president “On Prolonging Military Situation” caused
some disputes among the lawmakers. Artur Mosiyan, head of Defense,
Security, and Law Enforcement Committee at NKR Parliament, member
of ARF Dashnaktsiutiun faction, spoke against this decree, saying
that the military regime is an artificial one, in fact. Taking into
account the military-political situation in the region, the majority
of the parliament voted for preserving the military regime in NKR

The Parliament also adopted the Regulation of NKR TV and Radio Company.

Mavrik Ghukasian, NKR Public Prosecutor, represented the work of
the Prosecutorâ~@~Ys Office in the course of 2004. According to
him, a huge work was done in this sphere to protect human rights,
the rights and the interest of NKR citizens, as well as the rights
of the republic. They also revealed the reasons for many violations
of law and secured all the conditions for legal work.

By Kim Gabrielian in Stepanakert
