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Authorities Are To Blame For Crime



“If we politicize a street incident we will break up the activities
of the law enforcement bodies”, ARFD faction leader Levon Lazarian
tried to justify the vague and wait-and-see attitude of the ARFD on
the criminal situation in the country and especially on the skirmish
in one of the Yerevan districts.

Taking into consideration that so many crimes, including the murder of
party-fellow Poghos Poghosyan, is Levon Lazarian sure that the justice
will triumph without politicization of the problem? In answer to this
question he said that many criminals have already been arrested and he
believes that the law enforcement bodies will justify themselves. The
great number of armed guards and their activities he conditioned
by the absence of law on guards and mentioned of the importance of
the bill “On Guards” he had submitted to the consideration of the
National Assembly.

“In soviet times only one person had his own guards and they were
unnoticeable”, Peopleâ~@~Ys Deputy faction representative Mkrtich
Minasyan said.

Leader of RPA Galust Sahakyan used rather sharp expressions. He
stated that such incident negatively tell in the society and people
lose the feeling of security. In his opinion the authorities are
behaving naïvely and indifferently and do not combat criminal
elements. â~@~We are all to blameâ~@~], he said and added that one
cannot expect much of a policeman or investigator, who earn 20-25
thousand drams month. Sahakyan considers that the law enforcement
system badly needs reformation.


Nahapetian Samvel:
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