Attempts To Bring Karabakh Issue Into NATO Limelight


15 Feb 05

“We think that Armenia-NATO cooperation should further develop as
it may be an important guarantee of peace in the region. Meanwhile
Armeniaâ~@~Ys stance at the Parliamentary Assembly differs from those
of Azerbaijan and Georgia who declare of integrating into NATOâ~@~Ys
military structures”, Mher Shahgeldian, Armenian representative at
the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, said.

It is obvious that Azerbaijan attempts to unfold its propaganda at
the PA, contrary to Armeniaâ~@~Ys inactivity.

It is known that Ziyafet Askerov, Azeri representative to NATO PA,
stated that PA also should put the PACE resolution on Nagorno Karabakh
on the discussion table.

Although NATO always kept to neutrality in the issue of regional
conflicts, the Armenian representative to PA thinks that the PA,
being independent from NATO, can perhaps turn to Karabakh issue. “We
do not have any information about discussions over Karabakh issue at
the PA but Askerovâ~@~Ys words evidence that Azeris are going to take
certain steps. We have to be more intensive and organized in our work”,
Shahgeldian said.

Turkeyâ~@~Ys presence in NATO as Azerbaijanâ~@~Ys trusted and
experienced ally should also be considered.

By Karine Danielian
