Turkey To Target At Orhan Pamuk


15 Feb 05

Turkish Papers and Scientists Declare Him Traitor of Nation

The Swiss Tagesanzeiger published the interview given by Orhan Pamuk,
Turkish novelist, in its February 6 issue. Itâ~@~Ys worth reminding
that the Turkish novelist emphasized the necessity to publicly speak
about the tragic events that took place in the past and added: “30
thousand Kurds and 1 million Armenians were killed in Turkey. Almost
no one dares speak but me, and the nationalists hate me for that.”

The statement made by Pamuk aroused indignation in Turkey and he
became the target of almost all Turkish newspapers that condemn him
of treason.

For example, Vatan newspaper touched upon the statement of Pamuk in
“Is the Freedom of Speech Is Also Freedom of Treason?” article, while
the article published in Aksham is entitled “Why Does Pamuk Hate?”

Hyurriet called Pamuk “the black writer” in the article by Fatih
Altay. The newspaper calls him a liar, emphasizing that his approach is
that of an enemy. Hyurriet called the writer “a miserable creature,”
adding that they even donâ~@~Yt want to waste their hatred on him.

The Turkish scientists join the Turkish press in making Orhan Pamuk
a target for criticism and hatred. In order to comment Pamukâ~@~Ys
statement, Gazete Vatani turned to Tokamesh Atesh, professor at the
Istanbul University, who called this statement a huge drawback for
the novelist, adding that the history shouldnâ~@~Y t be analyzed like
that. Professor Bahaddin Yediydez accused Pamuk of ignorance and said:
“There is not a single country in the world where the state authorities
do not interfere with the rebellion of a separate ethnic group.”

Professor Hikmet Ozdemir, head of the Armenian Studies Department at
the Turkish Union of Historians, threatened to refute the “unfair”
statement of Pamuk scientifically. At the same time, he emphasized that
he, as a scientist, canâ~@~Yt seriously treat Pamuk, saying that his
statement about the massacre of 1 million Armenians is a “great lie.”

Halil Inaljek, professor at the Bosphorus University, accepting the
worldwide fame of Pamuk, condemned him of making an irresponsible
statement against the Turkish state and the Turkish nation.

Perhaps, only Halil Berktay, professor at Sabanj University, supported
Pamuk describing him as a fair intelligent and pointed out that he
told the truth. Berktay added: “In 1915-16 about 800 thousand or 1
million Armenians were killed for sure. I donâ~@~Yt know how many Kurds
were killed in the Southeast of the country. But, I think it is quite
possible that the number of the killed Kurds amounted 30 thousand.”

Itâ~@~Ys worthless to comment on the response of the Turkish press
and the scientists to the statement made by Orhan Pamuk. We just want
to inform our readers about the confrontation, so that the Armenian
society can response the anti-Armenian statements of the dregs of
society that have to unfold Turkish-Azeri propaganda in Armenia. At
the same time, we want to tell the public, culture and political
figures visiting Turkey that they shouldnâ~@~Yt mix the tolerance in
issue of the difference in the opinions with joining their voices to
the Turkish denial of the Armenian Genocide.

By Hakob Chakrian
