Russian, Armenian foreign ministers praise “strategic partnership”

Russian, Armenian foreign ministers praise “strategic partnership”

ITAR-TASS news agency, Moscow
17 Feb 05

Yerevan, 17 February: Relations between Russia and Armenia are
“those of partners and allies, be it in the sphere of the economy,
security or other spheres”, the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry,
Sergey Lavrov, has said today in Yerevan at talks with his Armenian
colleague, Vartan Oskanyan.

“We are interested in seeing stability in the region and therefore
the settling of conflicts in post-Soviet space meets the interests
of our countries,” Sergey Lavrov stressed.

He reported that during the talks the sides “will discuss all
bilateral issues on the agenda and also the fulfilment of accords at
the highest level”.

For his part, Vartan Oskanyan noted “Russia’s leading role in the
coming-to-be of Armenia”. In his words, “relations between Moscow
and Yerevan stand at a very high level and are in the nature of a
strategic partnership”.

“We do not have any political disagreements but we have common
interests both in the region and on global issues,” the head of the
Armenian Foreign Ministry stressed.

In Oskanyan’s view, “Sergey Lavrov’s visit to Yerevan will serve
as a stimulus for the further development of partnership between
our countries”.