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The intelligentsia and writers have backed Orhan Pamuk,threatened by

Roj TV, Denmark
Feb 16 2005

The intelligentsia and writers have backed Orhan Pamuk, threatened by

The intelligentsia, authors, representatives of political parties and
non-governmental organisations have backed the glorious Turkish
author, Orhan Pamuk, who was reportedly menaced by racists after
making a statements on Kurds and Armenians to a foreign daily.

A group of the intelligentsia, writers, representatives of political
parties and non-governmental organizations including also Musician
Þanar Yurdatapan, authors Nazmiye Güçlü and Erdoðan Aydýn,
Vice-President of the International Federation of Human Rights
Leagues Akýn Birdal, Members of the 1st Peace Group Yüksel Genç,
Gülten Uçar, Istanbul Chairman of the Democratic People’s Party
(DEHAP ) Cemal Kavak , Deputy President of the Free Party Cemal
Coþgun have held a press conference in the Istanbul Office of the
Human Rights Association (IHD) to boost Orhan Pamuk, who gained
reputation abroad with his novel Beyaz Kale.

The IHD’s Istanbul Chairwoman, Eren Keskin, stated at the press
conference that the attacks on Orhan Pamuk had burst and, the reason
why Mr.Pamuk had been assaulted was his expressions on killed Kurds
and Armenians.”The attacks targetting Orhan Pamuk is aiming to blast
the conditions with which Turkey may face its history with threat,
intimidation and deter. Democratization is not possible without
facing history. The first pre-condition for democratization is the
free discussion environment” said Miss Keskin.

”The offenses have been committed against free thought”

Vice-President of the International Federation of Human Rights
Leagues Akýn Birdal stating the experienced incidents are dramatic
and prevent free thought in Turkey said:” As far as the
intelligentsia keeps silent, these events are going to emerge. Turkey
is already a country lack of the intelligentsia and one, where a coup
d’etat appears every 10 years. No matter we have come to the 90th
year of incidents Orhan Pamuk told, these will of course be argued on
domestic and international platforms. The aggressions carried out
against Pamuk are those which have been carried against thought.
Pamuk is not alone.”

‘Unless we sound, their vice goes up’

There was also Orhan Pamuk taking part in the civil subordination
actions we started 10 years ago, stating Þanar Yurda Tapan marked
silence of the intelligentsia said: “Unless the intelligentsia sound,
opposite parts’ vice rises.”


Mamian George:
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