Armenian, Russian foreign minister discuss cooperation

Armenian, Russian foreign minister discuss cooperation

Noyan Tapan news agency
17 Feb 05

Yerevan, 17 February: Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan on
17 February received Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov who is
paying an official visit to Armenia.

The meeting began with a private conversation and continued in an
expanded format.

Vardan Oskanyan welcomed the high-ranking guest, who is paying his
first official visit, and noted the importance of strategic cooperation
based on mutual interests.

Lavrov also expressed his satisfaction with the level of cooperation
and the positive dynamics of the development of interstate relations,
which will be reflected in the year of Russia in Armenia in 2005. The
beginning of this year, which includes various trade, economic,
cultural, scientific, educational, youth, sports and tourist events,
will be announced in mid-March.

Pointing out that the two countries’ opinions regarding international
and regional processes mainly coincide, the sides expressed their
readiness to make efforts directed at creating an atmosphere of
confidence and establishing cooperation in the South Caucasus. In this
connection, the sides discussed the current course of the settlement
of the Nagornyy Karabakh problem. Lavrov expressed the hope that
the Prague process will allow the conflicting sides to find common
ways to settle the conflict as soon as possible, confirming Russia’s
commitment to guarantee any agreement.

Then the sides spoke in detail about the current issues on the agenda
of Armenian-Russian relations, the press service of the Armenian
Foreign Ministry told Noyan Tapan news agency. Drawing special
attention to the economic sphere, the sides noted the effective
activities of the Armenian-Russian intergovernment commission and the
Armenian-Russian business association. It was also pointed out that
cooperation in this sphere could be promoted by direct links between
regions of Armenia and the Russian Federation, which have become even
more intensive of late.

Touching on the growth in the volume of trade and on the expanding
of Armenian-Russian relations, they pointed out the importance of the
South Caucasus countries and Russia conducting a single policy directed
at restoring communications in the region, which will also further the
settlement of the existing conflicts. The sides noted certain progress
in this sphere and a number of issues that still have to be resolved.

In connection with the year of Russia in Armenia, the sides also
touched on the humanitarian sphere, cultural exchanges and the
encouragement of teaching Russian and Armenian in both countries. From
this point of view, they noted the importance of long-standing
friendship between the peoples, which nourish Armenian-Russian ties.

The foreign ministers discussed problems of Armenian citizens living in
Russia, their status and working quotas in Armenian-populated areas,
as well as a number of specific issues related to the improvement of
the work of diplomatic and consular services in both countries.

Then the sides discussed issues of cooperation in international and
regional structures. They exchanged views on the process of reforms in
regional structures of the CIS and reached agreement on coordinating
opinions by the forthcoming CIS summit in August this year. The
talk was about a number of programmes and initiatives within the
framework of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization. The
foreign ministers also touched on issues of reforming the UN.

[Passage omitted: Lavrov is also planning to meet other Armenian