Haigazian University 50th Anniversary Celebrations.


Haigazian University
Public Relations Director
Haigazian University
Rue Mexique – Kantari
P.O. Box 11-1748
Riad El-Solh 1107 2090
Beirut – Lebanon

Haigazian University 50th Anniversary Celebrations Continue …

Student Art Exhibition

In line with the Haigazian University 50th anniversary celebrations,
and under the auspices of the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr Sebouh
Hovnanian, the Student Art Exhibition opened on February the 8th at
5:00 pm in the Arthur Matossian gallery of the Mugar Building.

The opening of the exhibition attracted a good number of officials
and ordinary people intrigued to peep into the world of the youth.

In attendance were several Armenian deputies, former Lebanese deputies,
other governmental and diplomatic officials, along with many faculty,
staff and students.

The President Haidostian delivered a short speech, in which he
heartfully greeted the audience and stressed “the role the students
themselves play in the life of Haigazian”.

The exhibition featured a great diversity of works, 40 paintings and
drawings prepared by 15 students, and numerous sculptures, potteries,
ceramics and textile accomplished by the Arts and Crafts club.

As the President pointed out in his word, the students involved are
not majoring in arts, but instead in Business, Biology, Education,
Psychology, Economics and Mathematics. This made their work more
appreciable as it was commented in the news of a local television
station, Future TV, which was covering the whole event.

In a short interview with the reporter of the TV station, students
explained the theme of their paintings, in addition to their feelings,
states of mind and inspiration that has driven them in accomplishing
a particular painting, from conception of the idea till the final
realization of the work.

All participants are thankful for their efforts and contribution, Arin
Ayanian, Araz Keuroghlian, Maria Tenbelian, Liza Atmajian, Antranig
Keurkunian, Seta Doudaklian, Lily Melki, Arin Tchekidjian, Mher
Kalenderian, Anahid Babayan, Noushig Shanlian, Thia Sagherian, Rana
Merhi, Nora Mardirossian, and Satenik Aghassian who was awarded top
and first prize for the Inter University Student Drawing Competition
organized by the Russian Cultural Center in Beirut in late May 2003.

Last but not least, special thanks and a word of appreciation go
to the Arts and Crafts Club and their advisor Ms. Roula Halabi who
played a major role in turning this event to a real success. Be posted,
further successes are on the way…

Mira Yardemian
