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Tbilisi: Opposition Azeri leader receives support in France

Opposition Azeri leader receives support in France

The Messenger, Georgia
Feb 18 2005

Azeri newspaper Ekho. Baku reports that leader of Azerbaijan’s
opposition Popular Front Party, Ali Kerimli, visited several foreign
countries recently, including France.

Within the framework of the Paris meetings, Kerimli visited the
lower chamber of the French Parliament. MPs also met with Kerimli
and were primarily interested in the situation in Azerbaijan and the
run-up to the new parliamentary elections in the country. According
to the paper, Kerimli spoke about the devotion of the Azeri people
to democratic reforms.

In addition French MPs were interested in the influence of the events
in Georgia and Ukraine on Azerbaijan. They also asked about the
potential for democratic forces and opposition in the country. The
paper writes that Kerimli replied that the majority of Azeri people
prefer democracy and the lifestyle of freedom.

“Sooner or later, democracy in the country will be restored,” stressed
Kerimli and called on the French politicians to render support to
democratic changes and reforms in Azerbaijan.

The settlement of the Karabakh conflict was addressed during a meeting
between Kerimli and the French co-chairman of the Minsk Group of the
OSCE, Bernard Fassie. Fassie stated that he supports the continuation
of negotiations between the ministers of foreign affairs of the two
opposing sides. He also noted that the Minsk group will support any
compromise between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Kerimli replied that the
conflict should be solved only within the framework of territorial
integrity and international laws.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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