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Karabakh Joins International Agreements



Recently the NKR parliament appealed to Azerbaijan to recognize its
independence and in this context called the world community to welcome
thisstep of Nagorno Karabakh.

«I do not rule out that Armenia will recognize Karabakh’s
independence, however it not a priority», NKR Minister of Foreign
Affairs Arman Melikyan stated during today’s press conference in
Yerevan. In the course of his first press conference the Minister
decided to get acquainted with the Armenian journalists, thus no
expected statements were heard.

Nagorno Karabakh is going to join a number of international
conventions including the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations
and Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. According to the Minister
though other states have not recognized the NKR, it does not impede
the republic to join international agreements and laws.

The NKR leadership have another legislative initiative . According to
Melikyan the residents of Karabakh feel responsible for the refugees
from Azerbaijan. Presently the law on «On NKR Citizenship» is being
considered by the parliament. The bill will come into force in two
month and all the refugeeswill have the right to receive the NKR

Khondkarian Raffi:
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