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NK Has Created All Conditions for Work of Azerbaijani Journalist


YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23. ARMINFO. The authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh
Republic have created all the conditions without any limitation for
the activities of the Azerbaijani journalist Eynulla Fatullayev who
had visited NKR. Correspondent of the journal “Monitor” Eynulla
Fatullayev stated in the interview to Baku’s newspaper “Echo”, sharing
his impressions from his visit to Nagorny Karabakh and the territories
under Karabakh’s control.

According to him, the only ban was put in Aghdam district. “There the
authorities did not permit to photograph or to film anything”. The
journalist confessed that he was surprised with the development of
civil and democratic institutes in Karabakh. In this connection, he
cites NKR President Arkady Ghoukassian “the world will not forgive NKR
for authoritarian and anti-democratic regime and that’s why we are
doomed to development the civil institutes”. At the same time, the
Azerbaijani journalist confirmed the statement of the French
Cochairman of OSCE Minsk Group Bernar Fassier concerning the
settlement of Lachin.

Re-settlers – Armenians from iraq, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Lebanon
live there. There are too many people in Lachin district from Spitak,
who had lost their houses in Armenia as a result of the earthquake,
the journalist mentioned. According to him, active settlement of
Gubatli district is going on. The settlement of Aghdam is going on
less intensively. Besides, the authorities of Nagorny Karabakh have
created promotional conditions for local businessmen.

During the visit the journalist had also met with NKR President Arkady
Ghoukassian and Foreign Minister Arman Melikian. “They seem to be open
people”, Eynulla Fatullayev mentioned. “Talking to me Ghoukassian
mentioned that he does not call on the authorities of Azerbaijan with
them in Armenian, like Saakashvili, who spoke with Abkhazian and
Ossetins in their language. I seemed to me they are ready for a
dialogue”, the journalist mentioned. Referring to a high-ranking
representative of NKR, the journalist stated “today they do not
exclude the building of horizontal relations with official Baku within
framework of one state”. “At the moment it means the variant of
building a federative – confederative state. A year or two later this
readiness will pass, the authorities warn there”, the correspondent
added. According to him, now a generation is growing up in Karabakh
who has got used to the thought of that Karabakh is a separate
administrative subject, not being a part of Azerbaijan. “Several years
later this generation will come to politics, business, will take its
place in the Karabakh society. And then it will be much more difficult
to come to agreement with these people than with the present “ruling”
group”, the journalist mentioned.

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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