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BAKU: Annual meeting of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors rounded

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
March 5 2005

[March 05, 2005, 16:27:15]

On last day of the Annual Meeting of UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors,
March 4, discussed was the question `Education for everybody’. In
debates, the Goodwill Ambassadors expressed concern with illiteracy
among the children, noting majority of children in Africa and Asia
cannot even read and write. The Ambassadors condemned involvement of
children in hard works, underlined growth of offences and crimes
among the juveniles, serious impact of famine on destiny of the
children in some countries. They called on the UNESCO to jointly act
with the media to remove the problem, noting the developed countries
should render humanitarian assistance to the countries facing food

Director General of UNESCO Matsuura Koichiro summed up the meeting,
stating that the next gathering would be held in March 2006. He also
updated on preparatory activities related to 60TH anniversary of
UNESCO, and wished success to the Goodwill Ambassadors.


After the meeting, Azerbaijani masters of art gave a concert in
Paris. UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador Mehriban Aliyeva greeted the
visitors and spoke of the useful work of her colleagues. Noting that
a special program on Azerbaijani mugham is under realization, Ms.
Aliyeva said inclusion of mugham to the cultural heritage has been
estimated as an important event for the country.

Taking the floor, the renowned musician Mstislav Rostropovich said he
felt proud of his Baku origin. The Maestro spoke of rich musical
history of Azerbaijan and informed the audience on mugham.

The People’s Artist of Azerbaijan Firangiz Alizade, who currently
lives in Germany, has performed mugham pieces in piano.

After the concert, Mr. Matsuura Koichiro has presented to Ms.
Mehriban Aliyeva the medal of the Organization and his newly
published book.

In answer to the question of Azerbaijani journalists on the activity
of Mehriban Khanum as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, Mr. Koichiro
noted her activity in protection and preservation of mugham, taking
care for the ill, deprived children. The UNESCO Director General said
he has invited Ms. Aliyeva to the international exhibition in the
frame of UNESCO to be held in June in the city of Nogaya, Japan. A
mugham group will take part at the event, he said.

To the question `Whether UNESCO will undertake any measure towards
the Armenians’ `archeological excavations’ in the occupied
Azerbaijani city Shusha?’ the Director General of UNESCO said the
Organization supervised by him is not a political structure and
cannot impose any sanctions. At the same time, he condemned
destruction of the historical monuments.

After the meeting, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, president of Heydar
Aliyev Foundation and the Fund of the Friends to Azerbaijan Culture
Mehriban Aliyeva answered to questions of media representatives.

Q. Mehriban Khanum, this was Your first participation in the annual
meeting of the UNESCO Goodwill Ambassadors. How can You regard your
joint work with the colleagues?

A. I consider, the meeting passed at high level. Along with common
meetings in the frame of the Annual Meeting, I had also private
meetings. I met with Mr. Director General, who accepted my invitation
to visit Baku. I have invited all Goodwill Ambassadors to Baku. Such
meetings will be useful from the point of view of close
familiarization by the Ambassadors with the realities of Azerbaijan.

I also informed on our programs, held numerous negotiations. I think
it was useful.

Q. Election of the Azerbaijan citizen for the first time as UNESCO
Goodwill Ambassador is an important event. This is high trust in
Azerbaijan by UNESCO, an authoritative global organization. What are
Your plans for development and strengthening cooperation with the
structure in the years coming?

A. In my statement, I noted the close relations between Azerbaijan
and UNESCO. We have several good projects to be jointly implemented.
For example, presentation of the project on mugham was in Baku. We
have also some projects to be coordinated with UNESCO. The relations
develop in good side. Such links are necessary and important for

Q. Is it possible to discuss with UNESCO the question of destruction
of the cultural monuments in the occupied Azerbaijan territories?

A. You know, UNESCO is non-political organization. However, this
painful issue needs to be focused. In have informed on the matter in
the meetings with both Director General and my colleagues, who had no
presentation on presence of one million refugees and IDPs in
Azerbaijan. Inviting the Goodwill Ambassadors to Baku I plan to take
them to the refugee camps and familiarize them with plight of our
country fellows.

As you know, today’s meeting was devoted to the problem `Education
for Everybody’. Informing my colleagues on education conditions of
our children, they were surprised. They promised me to visit
Azerbaijan and in particular, the refugee camps to be eyewitnesses of
their plight.

I all the meetings I spoke of the destroyed monuments of Azerbaijan.
Of course, we have a lot to do and I have some ideas related to the

Maghakian Mike:
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