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Lraper Bulletin: Regarding ADL Party Statement

Armenian Patriarchate
34130 Kumkapi, Istanbul
T: +90 212 517 0970
F: +90 212 516 4833
Contact: Revd. Fr. Drtad Uzunyan

Regarding ADL Party Statement

The Statement of the Central Committee of the ADL Party, first published in
its original Armenian in its press organs on February 26, 2005, and the
English translation then published as an editorial of the Armenian
Mirror-Spectator, has been reviewed. The writings of the Central Committee’
s President, Mr. Edmond Edward Azadian, always in the same ungracious style,
have been appearing in the party press since 1999. This Statement, rife
with baseless accusations, is self-evident proof of this clique’s moral
standards and ideological bankruptcy and is unworthy of being dignified with
a response. With regard to the AGBU and all the ADL members thereby
involved, in the name and memory of the magnanimous benefactor Garabed
Melkonian and on behalf of Patriarch Zaven of blessed memory and the
supporters of the Melkonian Educational Institute around the world, we say,
`give an account of thy stewardship.’ (Luke 16:2).

Divan of the Armenian Patriarchate
Istanbul, March 5, 2005

Navasardian Karapet:
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