Syrian envoy notes serious progress in ties with Armenia

Syrian envoy notes serious progress in ties with Armenia

4 Mar 05


The speaker of the Armenian National Assembly, Artur Bagdasaryan,
today received the Syrian charge d’affaires to Armenia, Ghassan
Raslan, in connection with the expiry of his tenure, the Armenian
National Assembly press service told Arminfo new agency.

According to the source, the ambassador thanked the speaker of the
Armenian National Assembly for his help during his tenure in
Armenia. He pointed out that considerable progress has been made in
Armenian-Syrian relations, intergovernmental agreements have been
signed and spheres of cooperation have been defined.

Wishing the ambassador success, Bagdasaryan expressed his hope that
the activities of the next ambassador will promote the development of
mutual relations and expand spheres of cooperation.

The sides noted the importance of Syria’s Armenian community, which is
playing an important role in the country’s socioeconomic and public
life. It was also noted that the Syrian authorities have a good
attitude to the Armenian community whose representatives are
law-abiding citizens and are taking an active part in the development
of the state.