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German Magazine To Write Of Sumgait Events


8 March 05

On occasion of Sumgait massacresâ~@~Y anniversary lately, a daily Azg
reader in Berlin, Razmik Galustian, sent us an article from German Die
Zeit magazine written on March 18 of 1988 and entitled “Horrible Days
of Sumgait”. Though most of the article deals with Garbachyovâ~@~Ys
initiative of “glasnost” and “perestroika” in the Soviet Union, the
addresser thinks that the other part is an important material about the
massacres and Armenian refugees from Sumgait and Baku who gathered
at the chapel of Armenian cemetery in Moscow to protest against
masterminds of this horrific bloodshed. The author of the article,
Christian Schmidt-Hauer, links the Armenian Genocide to the Artsakh
war for freedom and Sumgait massacres trying to find the organizers.

“Infringement started on February 26 in Sumgait. Head of a local
political party in Sumgait, Muslim Sarde, excited gathered Azeri
population a day before the pogroms. Half a dozen buses transported
people to the places of rallies. 500-600 people gathered around a
group of â~@~Xleadersâ~@~Y. They were given coordinates of Armenian
citizens in the town. The power in their apartment houses was switched
off and the Lynch law started with â~@~XKill all Armenians. Long live
Chingiz Khanâ~@~Y slogans”, Schmidt-Hauer wrote.

The German text is available in RGalustian@aol.com in MS-Word format.


Nalchajian Markos:
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