Honest George

Honest George

The Washington Times
March 7, 2005 Monday

“The Wounded Warrior,” a new documentary produced by X-Back Pictures,
presents a strong parallel between the visions of Abraham Lincoln and
George W. Bush.

According to director Yervand Kochar, grandson of
communist-persecuted Armenian artist Yervand Kochar Sr., the film
proves Lincoln was the first president to lay down the doctrine of
spreading freedom throughout the world as a means for national
defense – “the doctrine known and revived today as the ‘Bush
Doctrine.’ ”

By a strange twist of destiny, the filmmaker adds, Lincoln expressed
his line of thinking on September 11, 1858.

Finally, the docudrama reminds that Lincoln was one of the most
despised presidents, was falsely accused of stealing elections,
divided and dragged the country in a war over the economy and
tariffs, and was proclaimed a social tyrant who violated the
Constitution and civil liberties.