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Armenian Eparchy accuses Georgian clergymen of destroying cross ston

Armenian Eparchy accuses Georgian clergymen of destroying cross stones

Azg web site, Yerevan
10 Mar 05

Excerpt from Tatul Akopyan’s report by Armenian newspaper Azg web site
on 10 March headlined “`Georgian clergymen are engaged in destruction
of Armenian historical monuments’. Khachkars of 14 century were
destroyed in Kakheti’s Gremi monasterial compound”

The Georgian Eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church on Tuesday
[8 March] reported that the Armenian khachkars [cross stones] at
the Gremi monasterial compound in Kakheti [province of Georgia]
had been destroyed.

“The Georgian clergymen do not hide that the Armenian church will be
consecrated in conformity with the Georgian canons. Unfortunately,
many Georgian priests mistakenly mix up extreme nationalism and
vandalism with patriotism,” the report said. [Passage omitted:
Gremi’s background]

“Currently, the monasterial compound in Gremi is closed for the
visitors. It is being `restored`. The Georgian monastery is inside
the compound. Representatives of the clergy are engaged in beekeeping
and the destruction of monuments of the Armenian cultural heritage.
Unfortunately, by destroying Armenian monuments, those `patriots’
are not realizing that they are eradicating part of their history,
and, moreover, are destroying all-Christian values, which are above
the national interests,” the report said.

The Georgian Eparchy of the Armenian Apostolic Church asks: how can one
classify the above acts other than vandalism? When will this ordeal,
which has been going on in Georgia for 10 years, be ended?

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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