Yeghishe Award


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
10 March 05

On March 5 the annual Yeghishe Award took place at the hall of
meetings of the NKR government. The Yeghishe Award of the NKR
government began in 1992, a hard time for the country, and a hundred
people have already been awarded. Among the laureates there were
people from different countries, of different nationalities.
Addressing the laureates, NKR vice Prime Minister Ararat Danielian
pointed out the role of people of culture in the accomplishment of
the state. The government of Artsakh does not overlook the
achievements in the spheres of literature, culture, science. It is
already a tradition to celebrate such victories, appreciate people
who contribute to the progress in the country. In literature the
prize was awarded to Maxim Hovhannissian (for his collection of short
stories â~@~Harar, Hararâ~@~]), Tatevik Soghomonian (for her
selection â~@~I am a Starâ~@~] and the collection of poems â~@~A
Non-Absent Lookâ~@~]) and Hovhannes Grigorian (for his collection
â~@~Half Timeâ~@~]). Samvel Karapetian was awarded for his work
â~@~North Artsakhâ~@~]. Levon Harutiunian was awarded for his
philological collection of Artsakh lore, and Mher Harutiunian
received the Yeghishe for his work â~@~Artsakh War and the Course of
the Defence Army in 1991-1994â~@~]. The theatre prize was awarded to
Samvel Virabian for his roles in a number of plays. In art Robert
Askarian was awarded for his works â~@~I am the Light of the
Worldâ~@~], â~@~Doors of Heavenâ~@~] and â~@~Nightâ~@~]. In
journalism Leonid Martirossian received the Yeghisheh for his series
of newspaper stories â~@~Karabakh Diaryâ~@~], Aris Grigorian for his
series of articles â~@~I am the Soldier of My Countryâ~@~]. Zakar
Keshishian was awarded for creating the choir â~@~Varandaâ~@~] and
his activity as a choirmaster. In answer to my question what future
plans Leonid Martirossian has, he said, â~@~Frankly speaking I do
not plan my work as a journalist. A journalist usually responds to
the events taking place in life. The motive for my participation in
the Yeghishe Award was the statement made at the meeting of the
journalists of Azerbaijan about the passiveness of the Armenian
journalists, and particularly those from Artsakh in the sphere of
information where we lost to the Azerbaijanis. I do not share this
opinion because the majority of my articles are on the problem of
Artsakh, the policy of Azerbaijan, the distortion of the issue of
Artsakh by Azerbaijan. I had a series of articles published in the
newspaper â~@~Golos Armeniâ~@~] in Russian, as well as in Moscow
press. I submitted my articles to the committee of awards and I am
happy to have won the prize.â~@~] The chairman of the Writers Union
of NKR Vardan Hakobian informed that the committee of awards extended
to the government the offer to increase the prize money to increase
interest in the awards. The government has accepted the offer, and a
corresponding program has already been worked out.

