ANKARA: Makovsky: Bush Administration Will Not Support An ArmenianRe

Makovsky: Bush Administration Will Not Support An Armenian Resolution
Published: 3/12/2005

WASHINGTON D.C. – Alan Makovsky, an aide to U.S. Democratic congressman
Tom Lantos, has stated that Turkey and the United States always need
each other and that a consultancy mechanism between the two countries
should be established to help the situation in Iraq.

“Problems in Iraq are not likely to end soon. Turkey and the U.S. must
continue to cooperate in finding a lasting solution in Iraq. Both
Turkish and American nations have always had good relations… Despite
ups and downs, Turkey and the U.S. friendship is based on strong
historical ties,” told Makovsky.

Makovsky stressed that the Bush administration will not support
an Armenian resolution that may come to the U.S. Congress next
month. “Turks have a long history and they are a very proud nation
globally. President Bush will not support any resolution that will
make the Turks comparable to Hitler’s Germany.”

Turkish Press