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BAKU: Azeri leader says truce violations Armenian “sabotage”

Azeri leader says truce violations Armenian “sabotage”

ANS TV, Baku
12 Mar 05

[Presenter] President Ilham Aliyev has described as sabotage frequent
Armenian attacks on Azerbaijani positions. The commander-in-chief
said that the Azerbaijani side is ready to repel them.

[Aliyev speaking to journalists] I condemn the cease-fire violations.
Of course, you cannot hear any other reaction [from me]. The breach
of the cease-fire will not have a positive impact on the negotiating
process. We do not need this. As you know, Azerbaijan’s position
is now strong. In comparison [with the past], you will see that we
have achieved a lot in the process of settling the conflict: both
diplomatic, political and other. This is why we do not want this.

This is sabotage by the Armenians. They are probably trying to
pursue certain purposes in this way. We are ready. If they break [the
cease-fire], we will do the same. If they attack, we will answer in
such a way that they will regret having done so.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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