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Karabakh forces ready to repel Azeri attacks -NKR Defence MinisterSe

Karabakh forces ready to repel Azeri attacks -NKR Defence Minister Seyran Oganyan

Ayots Ashkhar, Yerevan
12 Mar 05

Text of Armen Akopyan’s report by Armenian newspaper Ayots Ashkhar on
12 March headlined “The enemy’s provocations have been prevented and
they are being duly repelled”

Even though the calm on the border is always relative, in recent days
the Azerbaijani side has repeatedly broken this seeming calm.

Nagornyy Karabakh Defence Minister Seyran Oganyan comments on the
situation on the border.

This week alone, the Azerbaijani armed forces have seriously violated
the cease-fire regime two or three times, resorting to sabotage and
similar acts near the defence lines of the Artsakh [Karabakh] armed

[Ayots Ashkhar correspondent] How would you explain the enemy’s
recent activity on the contact and demarcation lines? Do these steps
of the Azerbaijani side pursue only tactical goals or are we dealing
with well-prepared provocations?

[Seyran Oganyan] The recent events on the contact line give rise to
concern, especially as they are regular and are often accompanied
with gunfire. I do not think that these steps by the Azerbaijani side
pursue tactical goals. These are rather provocative acts and the
units of our defence army have taken and will continue to take
relevant steps to prevent them.

[Correspondent] How possible do you think is the supposition that the
Azerbaijani side resorts to such provocations only to find out the
combat readiness of the Armenian armed forces in order to launch more
large-scale attacks? If yes, what is your assessment of the situation
in this context?

[Oganyan] If we suppose that the Azerbaijani side resorts to such
provocations only to find out the combat readiness of the Armenian
armed forces, the recent events on the border, which were not in
favour of the enemy, open great opportunities to draw relevant
conclusions. In this aspect, the idea of launching large-scale
attacks in the future has no prospects. Our armed forces are on alert
and are able not only to repel any large-scale invasion, but also to
launch a proper counter-attack.

[Correspondent] What possible consequences will the enemy’s activity
on the contact line and constant provocations have?

[Oganyan] Additional tension and nothing else. I would describe the
Azerbaijani side’s steps on the front line as fruitless attempts to
achieve something, which will bring them nothing but unjustified
losses. The provision of security on the border is in the focus of
the attention of the NKR army’s command and personnel and it will be
defended under the principle “no falling back.”

[Correspondent] What is your assessment of the information
disseminated by the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry and mass media that
it is the Armenian side that attacks and violates the cease-fire

[Oganyan] The Azerbaijani propaganda machinery as always is trying to
put Armenia in a bad light in front of the international community by
distorting facts. It is a special policy and in order to combat it,
we must take relevant steps and present the reality.

And the reality today is that apart from violating the cease-fire
regime, Azerbaijan is also constantly taking steps to move its
checkpoints closer to the lines of the NKR defence army. In such a
situation, the armed forces have to take relevant steps to solve
their tactical tasks, which are of great importance to it. They often
have a preventive nature as well. It is a reality that should be
presented to the international community.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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