BAKU: Official Aliyev visit to Saudi Arabia widely covered

AzerTag, Azerbaijan
March 14 2005

[March 14, 2005, 17:34:14]

Three-day official visit of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev to Saudi Arabia on the invitation of the Custodian of
the two Holy Mosques , King of Saudi Arabia Fahd Ibn Abdullah uAbdel
Aziz Al Saud was in the center of attention of mass media of the
Kingdom. Materials about this visit of the newspaper were published
on the first pages under large headings. The press and TV especially
emphasized that visit would stimulate more intensive development of
cooperation between the two countries in political, economic,
cultural and other fields.

The newspaper “Riyadh” in number for March 9 under the headings
`Aliyev highly estimated the role of Emir Abdullah in merits before
the Islam and Moslems’ and `The Custodian of the two Holy Mosques and
the President of Azerbaijan have discussed situation in the Islamic
world and prospects of cooperation between two countries’ has
published big materials about meetings of President Ilham Aliyev with
the King of Saudi Arabia Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud and crown prince
Emir Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud and the negotiations carried out
by them. The newspaper writes, that King was glad to welcome
President Ilham Aliyev in Saudi Arabia and, taking into account his
merits in development of cooperation and friendly relations between
two brotherly countries, has handed over him the highest state award
of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – the “King Abdel Aziz” Order.

President Ilham Aliyev has handed over the King Fahd Ibn Abdel Aziz
Al Saud the `Istiglal’ Order of the Azerbaijan Republic, having
estimated thus the contribution of King to development of cooperation
between two countries in the field of culture and economy.

In the newspaper it is emphasized that at the meeting between the
President of Azerbaijan and King Fahd, was held wide exchange of
views on the events occurring in the Islamic world and on
international arena, discussed prospects of widespread cooperation
between the brotherly countries.

Giving also appreciable place to meetings of Crown Prince of Emir
Abdullah Ibn Abdel Aziz Al Saud with President Ilham Aliyev in
private and in the expanded structure, the newspaper “Riyadh” marks
that taking into account special merits of Emir in development of
all-round links between our countries, President Ilham Aliyev has
handed over him the highest award of the Azerbaijan Republic – the
“Istiglal’ Order. On negotiations, also was expressed attitude to the
events occurring in the Islamic world and on international arena,
discussed ways of development of the widespread cooperation, serving
to interests of peoples of both countries.

Emphasizing that the management of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia gives
great value to visit of President Ilham Aliyev to this friendly and
brotherly country, the newspaper writes that `the high-ranking
responsible persons of the Kingdom took part in negotiations with the
honored guest in the expanded structure, including members of Royal
family: Emir Mushal, Emir Mutab, Emir Sattam, Emir Abdel Aziz Ibn
Fahd, and also Ministers of Justice, Trade and Industry.

Other influential edition “Al Jazeera” gives an appreciable place to
this visit, noting that the meeting of heads of two countries
represents special value for the future ties. The newspaper has
pushed into the foreground the statement of President Ilham Aliyev
that Saudi Arabia consistently supports Azerbaijan, and has
especially emphasized his confidence that this position will continue
and henceforth.

Marking the statement of Emir Abdullah about the bright future of the
Azerbaijan Republic, the newspaper writes that Crown Prince has
wished to President Ilham Aliyev great successes in his efforts in
the field of strengthening of economic power of the country. Having
declared that his country also will support the position of
Azerbaijan, and, having expressed satisfaction with strong relations
between two brotherly and friendly countries, Emir has reminded that
the strong basis of these links has been founded by the national
leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, and has wished his worthy
successor big successes on this responsible way.

Official visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Saudi Arabia also was in
the focus of the newspaper issued in London `Ash-Sharg Al Aisat’.
This visit has been covered in the article published under heading
`At the Saudi-Azerbaijan meeting taken place in Riyadh, at the
highest levels were widely discussed the questions connected to
mutual cooperation, last events in the Islamic world and on
international arena’. The newspaper writes: ` President of Azerbaijan
Ilham Aliyev highly has estimated the irreplaceable role of Emir
Abdullah in solution of the problems of the Moslems living in all
parts of the world, and Emir Abdullah, in turn, having expressed to
President Ilham Aliyev profound gratitude, has emphasized absolute
confidence in the further expansion and development of relations
between the friendly and brotherly countries’.

Newspaper “Al-Vatan” issued in Riyadh expresses confidence that
official visit of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Saudi
Arabia will take a special place and will play important role in
development of fruitful cooperation in all spheres. It is marked that
positions of the sides completely coincide in connection with the
events occurring both in the Islamic world, and on international
arena, is emphasized that they completely support each other in these
questions and act from common position.

The newspaper “Riyadh” has published big interview of President Ilham
Aliyev. In the given interview, President Ilham Aliyev in details has
answered the questions connected to economic development in the
country, position in region, the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict, position and authority of Azerbaijan on region, and also on
the status of Caspian Sea.

The newspapers have published articles also about meetings and
negotiations of President Ilham Aliyev with the Secretary General of
the Organization of Islamic Conference Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu,
president of Islamic Bank of Development Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Ali,
signing of credit agreements with the Islamic Bank of Development and
visiting by President Ilham Aliyev the sacred cities of Mecca and