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ANKARA: Turkish Parliamentarians Meet U.S. Congressmen

The Journal of Turkish Weekly
Source: AA, 15 March 2005

Turkish Parliamentarians Meet U.S. Congressmen

Turkish parliamentarians headed by Agah Kafkas, chairman of the
Parliamentary Democracy Commission, visited U.S. local and federal
congresses in Washington and Maryland and met U.S. officials on
Monday. Kafkas told that they would also visit European capitals and
the reason of their visits was to follow parliamentary works and
affairs in these countries.

Turkish parliamentarians met U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul
Wolfowitz and U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European & Eurasian
Affairs of the Department of State Laura Kennedy, members of the
National Security Council, former U.S. ambassadors to Turkey Marc
Grossman and Mark Parris and members of the Turkish friendship group
atthe U.S. Congress.

So-called Armenian genocide allegations, ending of isolation of
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Iraqi elections, Kirkuk
and fight against terrorist organizations were the main matters
discussed during meetings of Turkish parliamentarians.

Turkish parliamentarians will return to Turkey on March 17th after
attending a meeting at think-tank organization Center for Strategic
and International Studies (CSIS).

Source: AA, 15 March 2005

Nahapetian Boris:
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