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Academic Rafael Ghazarian Considers Necessary President Resignation


YEREVAN, MARCH 18, NOYAN TAPAN. “President Robert Kocharian who
established the eastern dictatorship in the country poses the greatest
danger for the favorable solution of the Karabakh conflict,” Rafael
Ghazarian, RA NAS Academician, declared at the conference organized on
March 18 by the “In Defence of NKR” committee. According to him, the
problem is in the “deficit of ligitimacy” of the President because of
which the latter is ready to make concessions both to the West and
Russia in order to retain his “shaky” position. “But neither the sale
of our entities to Russia at very low prices nor the peace-makers’
sending to Iraq will help him.” In the academician’s opinion, the West
strives for exerting pressure on the Armenian President in order to
make the latter resign. Meanwhile Rafael Ghazarian mentioned that the
same “all-powerful West that can easily remove Kocharian from his post
delays this issue for some reason, perhaps, the West wants Kocharian
to sign the document on Karabakh settlement they need, that’s why
Robert Kocharian should resign until it is not too late.” In the
opinion of Lenser Aghalovian, another Academician of RA NAS, 11 years
that passed since the establishment of the truce were quite enough in
order to solve the issue on the resettlement of territories. And such
passive attitude of authorities to this issue gives him an occasion to
draw “quite an unequivocal” conclusion that starting from 1994 the
Armenian authorities have been adhering to the policy of return of

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

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