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Armenians of Novorossiysk Fear For Letting Children Go To School


NOVOROSSIYSK, MARCH 28. ARMINFO. The Armenians residing in
Novorossiysk fear for letting children go to school.

According to the newspaper of Armenians of the South of Russia
“Yerkramas,” the events on March 22 in Novorossiysk can be
characterized as a pogrom in a separate district of the city, says a
member of the Board of the City Society of Armenian Culture “Luys,”
Coordinator of National Community of Novorossiysk Alla Partsikyan.

She confirmed the information that on Mar 22 evening about 100-200
Cossacks made disorders in an Novorossiysk district. They attacked
Armenians and their cars and commercial buildings. The conflict was
caused by Mar 21 night incident in a cafe in the city. Cossacks headed
by Ataman Vladimir Petrushin came to a group of young Greeks and
Armenians. During a started fight Petrushin was inflicted heavy bodily
injuries and taken to hospital. Doctors say that his state is stable.

It is known that a criminal case was initiated on Article 111
(infliction of bodily harms) and 213 (Hooliganism) of the CC of
RF. Despite Novorossiysk Administration’s measures to prevent the
aggravation of the situation, and the extreme discussion of
Municipality with representatives of national communities of the city
and promises that those guilty will be exposed and punished, the local
Armenians still keep in contact with “Luys” wondering if it is safe to
let children go to school.

Today, a joint meeting with Armenian Diaspora representatives and the
Treasury, the Law-Enforcement and City Administration will be held. To
note, Novorossiysk Mayor Vladimir Sinyagovskiy took his office in Nov
2002, replacing Valeriy Prokhorenko, who was prosecuted. Before taking
his post, Sinyagovskiy was head of the Administration of
Slavansk-on-Kuban where in 2002 also an Armenian pogrom took place,
Yerkramas reports.

Tumanian Talar:
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