Armenians In Sweden Unite In Struggle


30 March 05

The Coordination Center of the Armenians of Sweden is closely
cooperating with the Congress of the European Armenians. During the
March 12 annual meeting of the organization, its members discussed
further plans and activities, as well as the efforts directed to the
enlargement of the structure’s democracy and the issues concerning the
organization’s regulation. In particular,they discussed the
arrangements envisaged for the 90th anniversary of the Armenian
genocide that include exhibitions, conferences and lectures in many
cities of the country. They decided to hold a united sitting and rally
on April 23-24 in Stockholm. While in September, a number of
arrangements are envisaged throughout Europe directed against Turkey’s
membership to EU.

The annual congress reconfirmed its assistance to the activities of
the European Armenians’ Congress that are to contribute to the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide, to the strengthening of the
Armenian state and the just settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh issue.

By Hakob Tsulikian